Chapter 20

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Hallelujah ~
Hallelujah ~
TXT gave me energy ~


Taehyung silently sat on his bed, eyes staring at his hands, while the television plays loudly. He bit his lips as he shifted his gaze to the door, a small smile written on his lips.

"Hi."Taehyung greeted as he removes the blanket that was covering his lower half. He got out of bed and approached the man who just entered.

"H-Hey."Jungkook greets back, a shy smile draws over his lips. "I came to say goodnight."

"Well? Goodnight."Taehyung responded before his eyes glanced at the taller's lips. "Did you really come just to say goodnight? Or do you have other intentions? I mean, it's not like I'm gonna stop you if you do something."

The ravenette laughs before he held the smaller's chin and pulled him close, their nose touching each other's. "Close your eyes."Jungkook ordered, which Taehyung did. "God, you're so beautiful."he whispered before he pressed his lips against Taehyung's.

Slow and soft, it was. As if they were savouring the moment of unity that the kiss has brought upon them.

Taehyung's arms wrapped around Jungkook's nape while Jungkook had his around the omega's small waist.

"Get it done, now!" A voice suddenly exclaimed.

The voice startled Taehyung causing for him to break the kiss abruptly, this put Jungkook slightly at lost.

Taehyung immediately grinned and lightly pushed his twin. "You're enjoying my lips too much. It's already late, we have class tomorrow, so go."

"Can't I just sleep he—"

"N-NO! Absolutely no!"Taehyung exclaimed, startling the taller. "I mean, we're still part of the pack, if someone sees they might get suspicious. Although we used to sleep together, the difference between now and the past is that fact that we're now officially adults."

Jungkook sighed before he kissed the smaller's forehead. "Alright, then goodnight, Tae."

"Goodnight, Kook."

Jungkook exits the room and Taehyung closed it before him, his forehead touching the door as his ear listened to the male's footsteps slowly fading away.

"You can come out now."Taehyung softly stated as he turns around, eyes darting towards the moving carpet that revealed a compartment enough to fit someone as small as a 15 year old child.

A child did came out of the compartment, around the ages 7 to 9. In his arms was a book, a book that Taehyung really wanted to get his hand on since he met his aunt earlier.

"Hello there."Taehyung greeted the child before he approaches him.

"H-hi."the child softly replied as he hid himself behind the book.

"What's your name?"Taehyung asked making the child comfortable as he squats down.

"K-Kai."the child answered as he stared at the man's eyes.

"How old are you?"

"E-eight."he answered before shifted his gaze away.

"Above all of your choices, why did make a scared child deliver this book to me?!"he exclaimed, startling the person he's communicating with.

"We just so happen to save him from the rogues. The rogues murdered his parents so I had to take him. I wouldn't be able to take care of him, so I sent him to you together with the book in hopes that you'll take care of the kid."the other person responded. "Anyways, I have to go, I feel like I'll be discovered here soon. Take care, dear."

Taehyung internally scoffs before he looks at the kid with kind eyes. "Well? I don't have much of a choice but to take care of you, right? Let's get you washed up first."

Taehyung took the book from the Kai and carried him towards the bathroom. His started bathing him and while doing that, he ordered Jin to bring him clothes that'll fit a child, and to cook food.

"I'm sure you're starving now, huh? Don't worry, you'll eat after this washing up."

A knock caught Taehyung's attention, causing for him stop his actions and wipe his hand with the towel. "Wait here, I'll go get your clothes."

Taehyung exits the bathroom and attends to Jin who's standing in front of the door. "What do you need these for?"the curious older male asked.

"You'll know later, now go cook some pancakes."Taehyung responded.

"But it's 10 o'clock in the evening, Taehyung, who the hell eats pancake around this time."Jin argued, now wanting to cook pancakes.

"I want it, now go!"Taehyung exclaimed before he slowly close the door and walks back to the bathroom.

He dried and dressed Kai up before he carried he downstairs, the smell of pancake hitting their nostrils.

The brunette sat down on the stool while still holding Kai in his arms, their eyes just stared at the back of the man cooking, waiting for him to turn around.

Jin finished cooking the pancakes and turns, almost dropping the plates when he realised that it was not only Taehyung. "Who— Who's that?"Jin asked

"Jin, this is Kai, and from now on he'll be staying here."

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