Chapter 26

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Jungkook stared furious at Jimin as his nails dug holes on the sofa's soft cusions, trying to suppress his anger.

The male, who was the receiver of the anger, had a smile that resonated innocence in them, as if not aware of the deadly intent the raven head was giving him, contrary to Jungkook's seemingly unappeasable anger towards him, Jimin's aura was full of vigor, it was calm and was also bright, however, despite Jimin's vibe, there was a war raging between the two of them, a war of pheromones, one with a dominating and watchful one, while the other one full of pure calmness but still inserting authority.

Taehyung, who was sitting between them, felt their battle of dominance, causing for him to be affected by both's release of pheromones, suffocating him.

Only then when a small child ran towards Jungkook, did he withdraw from the battle and gently smiled at the adorable child.

"Hey, baby."Jungkook softly and lovingly called out to the child as he lifted him.

"Dad, granny told me you'll be shopping with us."Kai spoke, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he sat on his father's lap. His eyes shifted towards his other dad and grinned at him, but immediately became distressed when he noticed the fear displayed in his face. "Daddy, daddy. What's wrong? Are you alright? Are you hurt?"Kai asked.

Taehyung gazed at his child. He balled his fist and smiled. His breathing shaky as he calms himself. "Y-Yes, I'm alright, baby."Taehyung answered. "Wait, I'll change my clothing, alright? I'll come with you guys."

"No, Taehyung."a voice suddenly stops him as he was about to stand up. "You stay and show Jimin around. I'll take care of Kai. Jungkook's gonna be there, so don't wo—"

"No!—"Jungkook exclaimed. "I'll stay here, mom, Taehyung should come with you guys instead."Jungkook suggested. He shifts his sharp eyes towards Jimin and with gritted teeth, he said. "I can't put my trust on another, can I? After all, we're talking about an omega being left to the care of an alpha."

Jimin chuckled. "Are you trying to say that an alpha shall not be left unattended with an omega because their instinct might take over and touch the omega?" Jimin then crossed his arms and smiled. "So if you're alone with a different omega you'll wreck them senseless, and plant your seeds on them despite having met your fated pair?"

"!—" Jungkook hands Kai over to Taehyung and stood up. He stepped over towards Jimin and lifted him up by grabbing his collar. "I'm not like that."

Jimin's smile grew into a grin. "If you're not like that, then other alphas can do that too. You're not the only one born with self control, Jungkook. It's just by choice if we chose to let go of our control over our sanity. Even though our instincts pull us to ravage an omega, we have our mind to think." Jimin pushed Jungkook away and shifted his gaze towards Taehyung. Although...

"I'll be alright, Jungkook."Taehyung said. "If you want you can just cover me with your scent. That'll probably make him stay away, right?"

Jungkook sighed. "Fine."

"And, this is the end of our tour. Back to the pack house."Taehyung said as they stopped at the pack house, finishing their tour around the pack.

"A lot has changed since then."Jimin said before he sits on the staircase. "The kids grew up too just like we did. The trees surrounding your pack has grew even taller. The scent of the baker's bread has changed, the fragrance of roses of the botanist is now replaced by lavenders. A lot has changed but you. Even then as kids, your eyes only sparkled when Jungkook was around, your eyes only had him, only eyes only followed him, your smiled only beamed at him— everything was towards Jungkook. Never, never did you look my way."

Taehyung frowned. "How can I look at you like how I look at Jungkook when all you did was bully me? You kept looking down on me, stepping on my pride as an omega. We were just kids back then too."

"It's not just about our childhood, Taehyung!"Jimin exclaimed as he stood up, facing Taehyung, towering over the male who was two inches smaller than him (yes). "This is also about our 9 fucking pasts!"

"Pa—pasts? You were part of those pasts?"Taehyung asked, stuttering as he stepped closer to Jimin wanting to hear more.

"Yes! Yes! I was part of those, and each time you chose Jungkook! You keep choosing that dumbass motherfucker! I was there all the time, Taehyung. Kris was there for Baekhyun. Soonyoung was there for Jihoon. Jinwoo, Seungmin, Jinyoung, Jackson, Changbin, Woonpil, Jaehyun! All of those reincarnations, I was there! Always helping you! Getting your attention, trying to earn your fucking love! But it never happened. So I said to myself, if you're not gonna glance at me even with all the love I'm giving you, I'm gonna hurt you, hurt you so bad that you'll look at my way this time, hurt you so bad that I'll be imprinted on your mind." Jimin paused to breathe. "You're probably just getting your memories back, but I— I have been carrying it since the moment I've seen you. My heart— my heart started racing  because of you at such a young age, and all those painful memories surged me. It was really painful, especially those ones where you're laying motionless, lifeless, all because of Jungkook." Jimin grabbed Taehyung's hand. "And he stopped his promises too, Taehyung. He fucking gave up! He fucking gave you up on the fourth one."

Taehyung's head hung low. His teeth biting down on his lip. "I know..."he softly muttered as his hand grasped his chest, trying to ease the aching organ. "But this time, this time will be it, I'll change it so that we can be together. This time—"

"You've said that too! You've said that in the past too! But where did it leave you?! You promising to find him even though he gave up on you! And me?! Heck! Be it a million reincarnations, over and over I'll promise to find you, love you, take care of you, even if I get my heart broken a millions times, even if experience the pain over and over again. I won't back down, Taehyung." Jimin paused and dragged Taehyung inside the pack house. Shutting the door close and pinning him trapped between him and the door. "And, now that I am not longer a lowly beta that cannot fight back, I'll resort to anything Taehyung, I don't care I just want you mine..."he said, his words muddling in the wind, face inching closer to Taehyung, the scent Jungkook left coming at him like a wave, like a barrier trying to push him away. It was nauseating but he kept his stance.

And then—

His eyes glowed.

His eyes glowed a bright sheen of gold before it shifted to a red coloured one. Hunger and greed, displaying in his orbs. He bared his sharp canines to Taehyung, ready to pounce and mark. "You're mine, Taehyung, mine."he growled as he leaned his head towards the crook of the male's neck.

Taehyung immediately covered his neck causing for Jimin's fang to bury in the smaller male's hand, the pain immense. He wanted to yell. He wanted to run. He wanted to fight back once again.


All he could do was stand there, feet glued to the ground. His body shaking in fear.

Jimin was inserting his dominance towards Taehyung, and because his hand was bitten (it still serves as a mark, just like a minor one and its effect will last for just hour.), all he could do is whimper as he awaits to be marked.

Jimin cupped the omega's face before kissing his cheeks. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."he said before he buried his fangs on the crook of Taehyung's neck.

Hello. It's been awhile.
I know, I should have came back once I was able to fix my problems, but I had a hard time writing this fiction, so I ended up writing something else, yes. But yes, I'll try to finish this before my school starts, soooo ~

Oh and:

Permanent Mark - A mark created by biting the much submissive partner by the nape.

Temporary Mark: Type 1 - Bitten somewhere else but not on the neck, only last for hours. Head alphas do this to rogues to be able to authorized them while he's still not considered the rogue's leader.

Temporary Mark: Type 2 - The one bitten by the neck, but not by the nape. Lasts for a week of so. Usually done by people who still can't bond but wants to claim someone their mate or put a fence around them.

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