Chapter 36

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It has been a month since Taehyung woke up. He found out Jin and Namjoon got married 3 years ago, and that his son was dating Soobin for almost 4 years now. Everything still felt weird to him. Especially the amount of changes that happened within the span of ten years.

One of the greatest changes was that vampires and werewolves are finally coexisting with each other. Yoongi agreed to unite his clan with the pack with the condition of getting blood rations from the animals that the pack would hunt.

"Aren't you curious?"

Taehyung looks over at Yoongi who was beside him. "Curious of what? Your love story with Jimin? Nah. Save the romance for your future children."

"Jimin is an alpha." Yoongi replied.

"You can adopt?" Taehyung responded with a "duh" tone.

Yoongi shook his head. "What I meant by curious... Aren't curious where Jungkook is?"

Thud. Thud. Thud. Taehyung's heart begun to start beating faster, his breathing became heavy, he felt like suffocating.

Ever since he woke up, in the back of his mind a voice kept on looking for Jungkook. Although the male have caused him a lot of pain the past, Jungkook was still and will always be the one in his heart.

Of course, Taehyung wants to know where he was, he wants to find him, embrace him and tell him how much he loves him, but he couldn't. In respect to his father, who was injured by Jungkook, and to Yoongi, who died once because of Jungkook's doing, he couldn't bring himself to search for him.

"You know. If you think we're holding a grudge towards Jungkook, you're wrong. If you think we wouldn't want to see him, you're wrong. If you think we haven't forgiven him, once again, you are wrong. It's been 10 years, Taehyung. Do you really think we would let whatever happened chain us to the past? We already moved on from that Taehyung. If you want to know where he is, if you want to look for him, I would happily tell you where he is." Yoongi said. "Just promise me, you'll try your best to be strong when you get there."

Taehyung knocked on the wooden door. His heart was pounding very loud, it was as if it was beating by his ear. It went even louder when he heard heavy footsteps walking towards the door.

He was expecting every worst possible outcome. The male being mated to a different person, probably having five kids or more. Or he could look very lonely and broken. All of those possibilities but this...

"Hi there! You need anything?" Jungkook asked, a smiled etched across his face, but curiosity evident in his eyes.

This Jungkook... He was alright, but he was strange?

"Do you- Don't you know me?" Taehyung asked. His heart felt like it was being squeezed.

Jungkook squints his eyes and leans back. "Am I... supposed to know you?"

Taehyung sighed. "I'm your mate." he softly muttered.

"You're my mate? Mate? Oh, you're my friend! Sorry. Sorry. Come in. Come in!" he exclaimed as he ushered Taehyung in.

Not that kind of mate.

"I'm sorry for not recognizing you or anything. I have forgotten most of my memories, so... You are like the third person to have come to here and introduce yourself as a friend of mine." He then laughed jokingly, and grabbed the boiling tea from the kitchen and brought it to the living room. "So-?"

"Taehyung. My name's Taehyung."

"Oh. Taehyung. Why did you come looking for me? Do I have any debt towards you?"

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm your lover, Jungkook- or was your lover."

"What?!" Jungkook's eyes widens before his cheeks went red. "I- I didn't know I was into men- I-I mean, you're pretty and all but I'm... I'm sorry, Taehyung. I think I like women now?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "You've always preferred women." He replied. "I don't even know how you ended up falling in love with me, either."

"So- I wasn't gay... but I still went out with you?"


"H-how were you able to convi-"

"You were the one who was all over me, being obsessed with me! I- I never chased you!" Taehyung exclaimed cutting Jungkook off. He felt his face heat up as he cupped them with his hands. "You even went as far as beating my ex fiancé to death just so that we could be together. How am I the one that went after you?!"

"I hit a woman?"

"My ex fiancé was a man!" Taehyung huffed. "Where's Hae In?"

"Who's Hae In? Is she an ex of mine? Or... Or is she a woman that I got pregnant?"

Taehyung gave him a loon of disgust before replying. "Hae In is your mom."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "My mom's name is Jihye tho?"


"Jungkook? Did you prepare lu- What are you doing here?!"

Taehyung turned to the woman who just arrived. "I'd like to have a talk, mom."


"So, you changed your name to Jihye for what?" He asked.

"Both of your dads were looking for me, okay? They knew I was hiding Jungkook, so I had to leave and change my name in order to protect my son. But you guys were still able to find us here." Jihye, or Hae In, replied. "You. Weren't you in a coma? When did you wake up?"

"A month ago. But that's not important now- what's important is Jungkook! Does he- Does he not have any recollection of any of his memories?" Taehyung questioned as he looked over at the window, staring at Jungkook chop the woods. Why on earth is he so hot? He thought.

"No. He's also not aware that's he's a werewolf." Hae in answered as she sipped from the tea. "His wolf. I think it's put itself into slumber in order to protect Jungkook. So, right now, he's just a human, without his wolf, he's just an ordinary person. You can talk shit about him and he wouldn't hear. And that predestined bond between you two? Yes, he doesn't feel it."

Taehyung looked down on his hands. What's he gonna do now? Go home? But doesn't that mean that he's giving up Jungkook? Is he ready to let the man he loves be with another person?

"If you can... If you can make him remember everything. I would die happily." Hae in blurted out. "He was still the happiest with you, Taehyung. I know somewhere in there he feels empty. I know he misses you. Please Taehyung, I want him to remember the memories we created all throughout both your childhood. Please, make him remember."

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