Chapter 10 (Pt. 2)

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Blood. The very foul stench of blood filled the wide room, as the sound of heavy breathing resonated in its four corners.

Clink clank. The sound of heavy metal chains as they collided with the concrete wall, as the chained man's eyes watch the setting sun from the place he was placed and chained to.

He struggled. He struggles to try and escape but he could barely move, he was just consuming his energy by every small movement he make. His wrists were already numb from the seering pain that the silver chains have put him through.

"Help..." he softly whispered with his raspy voice as his vision slowly fades into a dark void.

Footsteps. He heard heavy and hurried footsteps approaching him. His eyes glancing at the figure running towards him as he finally falls into unconciousness.

—× party -

"Tae~ Hey~ How are you?"

Taehyung turned to the voice that had called out to him, a smile appearing on his lips as his eyes met Moon Bin's cresented ones.

The omega opened his mouth to speak. "Binnieeeee~ I missed you so muchhhhhh. Oh, and I'm doing very great, and you?"

"I missed you too, baby. But I have been doing very well." Bin then grabbed a drink from the tray the waiter was carrying. "It has been what? Ten years?"

Taehyung pouted, "It's actually 10 years, 8 months, 5 days, 10 hours, and probably 7 minutes."

"Whoah, whoah. You really kept track? Now I feel so loved." Bin stated as he faked a touched like expression and pretended to wipe his nonexistent tears.


"Hey, can I borrow my twin brother? You see, we have to greet the other guests, it would be rude not to as the hosts of this birthday party right?"

"Nah, nah, all good, go ahead, I'll be in the dance floor if you guys need me. Bye, baby."

"Nooo, Binniee, big brotherrrrr." Taehyung cried out as he was dragged away by Jungkook. "Hmmp."

"Oh come on, Taehyung, you can meet him after the party and catch up with the things you guys have missed. He's been discharge from the border control unit, so he'll be around the pack more often."

Taehyung sighed as he masked hmthe visible exhaustion the party was already causing him and drew a smile on his lips, ready to greet the other guest. "Let's go then."

Well, as stated, they greeted guest after guest, and Taehyung is clearly keeping track of everyone, and none of the people who attended the party was the certain mint haired male.

"Yoongi's not here." says Taehyung as he brings his thumb up to his lips, biting his nail as worry started creeping him.

"He's still probably sleeping. He'll be here soon, so don't worry." Jungkook replied his hand on his twin's waist, rubbing his side to calm him down.

Taehyung nodded before excusing himself from Jungkook. He heads towards the bathroom, eyes glacing at the digital clock as he passed by it. 11:57.

Three more minutes.

Three more minutes and he'll have to accept the fact that he'll be tied to Yoongi after the party is done.

Three more minutes and he has to free himself from the cage that he placed himself in to as he falls in love with his oblivious brother.

Just three more minutes.

Drip. Drip. Tears after tears started streaming down Taehyung's face. His eyes stared hopeless at himself through the mirror, "I don't want to but I have to. Even if it hurts. I have to."

- × ○ × -

I would say that, they would either both die, or one of them dies, or maybe they just wont be together, that's a lot less crueler ending right? Or maybe I'm cruel and I'd rather kill everyone, anyways, just a heads up, I'm not that nice after all. ^○^

+ Edit: This is the part where 'I apologize.' 😂

Edit : Yeah, right, as if you'll do that.

Edited: 19th of August, 2020

Twins | TaeKook [En]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora