Celebrate (fluff)

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"Dad, you don't want any cake?!" Kai asked.

Kakashi chuckled and leaned up against the kitchen counter as he watched his wife and two kids devour the small cake they baked to celebrate the twins passing the bell test.

They had just gotten home from their first training session with Naruto.

"No." Kakashi responded,"Sweets are gross.."

"Awww come on dad!" Kanari said picking a piece of cake with her pastry fork.

She walked towards Kakashi and jumped up, pulling his mask down and trying to force a bite of cake into his mouth.

"I don't like sweets!" he dodged her.

"Come on honey! The kids want to celebrate!" Tsuki copied Kanari.

"No Tsuki!" Kakashi pushed her away too.

Kai wanted in on it to and he grabbed a handful of cake and jumped onto his dad's back, successfully shoving it into his mouth, spreading half of the frosting across his face,"Just eat it dad!"

Kakashi reluctantly chewed and swallowed the sweet treat, since he had no other choice. He had to hold back a gag.

Tsuki and Kanari were dying of laughter as they watched Kakashi grab a handful of cake and shove it into Kai's face.

Kai fought him to no avail as Kakashi playfully wrapped and arm around his neck and tousled his hair.

Kai growled trying to get out of Kakashi's grasp.

"Don't dish it if you can't take it, son!" Kakashi teased as he subdued Kai with ease, cake covering both their faces.

Tsuki wet a couple of kitchen cloths and wiped off both of their faces as Kai stayed slung around Kakashi's neck.

"Alright guys time for bed." Kakashi said walking with Kai to his bedroom.

"I'm gonna shower first and then go to bed." Kanari said scurrying off to the bathroom.

Once the twins got old enough, Kai moved into the third bedroom of the house. They were too big to share rooms.

Kakashi laid Kai in his bed and tucked him. Kai protested.

"Dad! I can tuck myself in! I'm not a baby anymore!" He said.

"You may look older Kai, but remember, you're still only six years old. Plus you're always gonna be my little baby, no matter how old you are." Kakashi said

"But I'm a tough Shinobi now!" Kai pouted more.

Kakashi sighed,"Well don't go being too tough, I wouldn't want you to get yourself hurt. You know I'd give my life to protect you and your sister, right?"

"Yeah, dad I know. Not like that'll ever happen though.... Love you."

"Love you too, son. Go to sleep, get some rest and enjoy the weekend cause Team 7 is getting their first mission on Monday." Kakashi said leaning in to kiss the top of his head. He stood and walked to the door.

"Can you tell me what it is?!"

"You'll just have to find out on Monday"

Kakashi laughed as Kai pouted and slammed his head to his pillow, quickly falling asleep after.

Kakashi had many moments raising the twins where it hit him that these two children were the most precious and important things in the world to him. This was one of those moments.

Kakashi made his way to Kanari's room where she was already tucked under the covers, eyes closed, half asleep.

He took a knee and leaned down and kissed her forehead, trying his best not to make her open her eyes, but he failed.

Kanari opened her sleepy eyes and saw her dad turning away to go to his and Tsuki's bedroom.

"I love you, dad." She said with a whisper

Kakashi's chest instantly felt warm. He couldn't believe how much love and purpose he felt when his kids said that to him,"I love you too, peanut. Sleep tight, okay?"

"Okay." She said quickly closing her eyes again.

Kakashi closed the door behind him and met Tsuki in the hallway taking her into a deep passionate hug.

"Tsuki, we literally made the cutest, most perfect, best children in the whole fucking world. I literally can't thank you enough for making me a father. I didn't know it was possible to feel like this. I didn't know I could be this goddamn happy." Kakashi said

Tsuki giggled,"I agree, Kashi. Although we may be a little biased. But fatherhood looks wonderful on you."

"Listen, I-I know we went through a lot with Takeo, but...... And this is totally up to you, but maybe we could start trying again. For just one more?" Kakashi said nervously.

"Maybe, Kashi." She said sweetly, she gave him a peck on the lips,"I'll let you know."

"No rush, love." Kakashi cupped her face in his hands and planted a soft kiss to her forehead,"Let's go to bed."

Fear and Love Part II (Kakashi x oc)Where stories live. Discover now