Flashback: The 3rd Night in the Hospital (fluff)

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Flashback to Kakashi and Tsuki's rough third night in the hospital after having the the twins


"As soon as I put Kanari to sleep, Kai starts crying! And as soon I calm him down Kanari starts crying!" Kakashi said

"You jinxed it Kashi! You shouldn't have said we have perfect children cause now they're doing this to spite us!" Tsuki said with bags under her eyes, she was completely exhausted.

"I'm just so....... Tired." Kakashi said practically on the verge of tears,"And I'm not even the one that has to breastfeed every two fucking hours."


"Great now they're both crying." Tsuki said as she slowly got up from her hospital bed.

Kakashi started undoing their diapers to see if that was the issue.

"I just don't understand how it's possible to go through this many diapers in a day." Kakashi said throwing them away and grabbing clean ones to changed the twins for the fifth time that night,"Is this normal? Should they be peeing and pooping this goddamn much?"

"Yes, Kashi, they're babies that's literally all they do." Tsuki said standing next to Kakashi at the bassinet to change Kanari while he focused on Kai.

Eventually they were all cleaned up and swaddled. Kakashi sat in the recliner rocking Kai to sleep while Tsuki did the same for Kanari while she walked around and stretched her legs.

"Finally." Kakashi whispered as he breathed a sigh of relief when they both stopped crying and fell back asleep.

They both very very carefully and very gently set them in the bassinet and crawled back into the tiny hospital bed together to try and get some sleep.

After about an hour Tsuki woke up to Kakashi all up in her business.

"Kashi you need to turn the other way or something, stop breathing in my face." Tsuki whispered with a short tone.

Kakashi tiredly grunted,"My god stop being so dramatic, Tsooks." He turned around to lay on his back and Tsuki snuggled up to his chest.

"I love you but you're annoying me right now." Tsuki was so tired.

Kakashi snorted out a laugh and quickly fell back asleep.

That lasted about fifteen minutes.


"Nooooo. I didn't even do anything. I didn't move I didn't make any noise." Kakashi rubbed his face with his hands and got up to grab the twins.

"Their diapers are dry, so I think they're crying over something I can't help them out with, Kuraku." Kakashi said.

Tsuki pulled her hospital gown down and held her arms out. Kakashi handed her one baby at a time and they latched onto her to start breastfeeding.

Kakashi watched her and lightly stroked Kanari's silver hair while she ate.

"You're such a good mom, Tsuki. I mean I think you're a good mom? I don't have much to compare it to considering I didn't grow up with one but I'm so glad the twins have you." Kakashi said placing a kiss to her temple.

Tsuki's whose eyes were still closed,"I'm literally doing the bare minimum over here." She joked

"You're never gonna take a compliment from me are you?" Kakashi teased.

"Probably not." Tsuki smiled,"But my hormones are all fucked right now so who knows maybe I'll get soft."

Kakashi sighed,"Are you hungry?"

"Very much so."

"Ok, I'm gonna go get us some food since you refuse to eat the hospital food."

Tsuki's face lit up,"Okay! Surprise me!"

Kakashi wandered out to the only restaurant he knew of that would be open this late, Ichiraku, and picked up a couple of bowls of ramen for the two of them.

On his way back to the hospital, he passed by a small flower patch on the side of the road and decided to be cheesy and pick up a couple of flowers for Tsuki.

Upon re-entering, Kakashi found Tsuki already putting the twins back to bed, fed, burped, and changed, because she was a freaking rockstar.

Kakashi set up the ramen on the bedside table and threw the flowers in a paper cup of water and sat across from Tsuki who was sat at the edge of the bed.

Tsuki blushed seeing the flowers, Kakashi's little gestures like this always made her feel loved and cherished.

He was always thinking about her.

"Aww how sweet." Tsuki said.

"See it's like a real date!" Kakashi said handing her a pair of chopsticks.

Tsuki ruffled her bed head that hadn't been brushed in three days and adjusted her hospital gown,"Well I wish I could've looked better than this for a date." She joked.

"You look perfect." Kakashi said, pulling down his mask and giving her a pearly white smile.

She laughed.

"Thank you for the food!" They said in unison.


Before the chopsticks could even reach there lips the twins started crying harder than ever before.

Kakashi and Tsuki hung their heads in defeat and pushed their food aside to check on them once again.

That night was rough.

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