Chapter 87 Night ball Party

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Time: 12:21 AM
Location: Night Ball
Status: Normal

Gil, Kayden, Fay, along with the Pendragons got off from the carriage

Kayden: quite a party, huh.. Jesus Christ There so many people...

Gil: Haha, you will get used to it. Watch yourself, some nobles might mistaken you as a girl and attempt to court you to their children. HAHAHAHA

He said half jokingly

Kayden: Stop saying weird stuff here. Are you trying to jinx on this? I Rather not get myself or my daughter into this mess.

Gil: Don't worry, nobody dares to come near you as long as I'm here.

Kayden: well yeah, they got eyes on me too..

A noble boy notices Fay and stares at her with lust

Gil glares at him, causing the boy to shiver in fear

Gil: There it goes, some nobles already have their eyes on your daughter

Kayden: The only thing is, they won't give up so easily right now. That's where the real pain begins.

Gil: Oh they won't stick around your daughter for long. Isn't that right, count Louet?

A man with long mustache sitting nearby suddenly flinched

Gil: I heard you had quite the reputation violating innocent women, shall I bring judgement upon your family just like I did to the Winchesters 6 years ago?

Count Louet: N-no, sir Gilgamesh. There's no need for that. I'll leave..

Gil: Hmph. Well, problem solved...for now at least.

When Gil Turned around and Kayden was already surrounded by 4 women.

Kayden: Help!

Kayden Runs and hides behind Gil.

Gil: Oh for god's sakes. Ladies, this man- boy is off limits. He is quite underaged.


But Kayden's Age is 21


The girls sighed before going their separate ways.

Gil: I swear, that fear of yours is going to kill you someday

Kayden: yeah, thanks to that bitch who gave me some kind of curse that made those girls attracted to me like a magnet.. And its a goddess.. Turns out its irreversible

A tick mark appeared on Gil's forehead

Gil: Do you have any idea how many men out there would kill for that so-called "curse" of yours?

Kayden: no but they never heard "Goddess of Love" before. I encountered her when I was on a journey with Touya. By the way, about your favor thing, I already deleted the browser history in your home.

Gil: Oh yes, I received that letter through some kind of rift in spacetime. Don't know how that happened.

Kayden: Yeah, I Left that world because that place is full of Thots, I mean that Universe is full of thots.I Need a Drink.

Kayden Spots a Juice over the table. Before he grabs the Juice, a mustache man also wants a juice but he doesn't want Kayden to take the juice first. Now He tries to trip Kayden's leg using a feint of magic with a short chant. Roots appeared on Kayden's leg to restrain. But as he takes steps, Kayden Rip the Roots by force and he knows that man was the cause of this.

Kayden: That Will be some Biblical Shit Happened if you come back and do that again.

Geraldine: hey you! How dare you say to a noble like me huh?! You damn commoner!

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