Chapter 20 Eashen

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Time: 5:32 PM
Location: Touya's Mansion
Status: Error

Kayden: ಠ_ಠ, that was Idiotic.

Elze: Kay-

Yumina: -Den..

Everyone was embarrassed because 4 Girls are still changing. So I Zip my Neck and It Looks like I Decapitated Myself with a Zipper as my head fell off, My Dead Ringer was Active Hidden Behind my back. Now Everyone was Horrified about my Decapitated Neck

Yumina,Elze,Linze,Yae: KAYDE-!! <-------- We'll be Right Back!!

(King Crimson)

For Now, I Just Watching Them on my window, I did ask Touya a Normal Things to make and not guns anymore, The Pistols is now fine for me, When i was watching someone, Touya made few bikes for everyone, but im on the different level of using bikes. With Thruster's. I Did Teach Laim how to make Hot Chocolate and spawned ingredients for it. 

i just want to relax after another bathroom incident, Does this happen all the time when i open it? or Unlock Doors always exist in anime..

In my Past days when i was between 6 or 7 in real life, I Got hit by a fast motorcycle because i wasn't looking at the front while using a bike, I was Lucky i didn't got injured, no marks.

Kayden: Laim, can you make me a Hot Choco.

Laim: yes Sir.

2 Minutes Later

Laim: Here it is Sir, Hot Chocolate is Ready.

Kayden: Thanks..

I grab the Hot Choco from Laim as i Sit on the Chair, Neptune is on my Lap watching them riding their bikes.

Laim: Something Wrong Sir Kayden?

Kayden: Its nothing. I Just want to Relax here. There's Nothing to Worry about me.

Laim: I See, If you Excuse me.

Laim Left on my Room.

Kayden: *Sigh* Welp. *Sips Hot Choco* can't sit here and do nothing, im gonna stroll outside on my own. once im done drinking it. But, i Finally develop about environment resistance to 75% so i can hold under Cup Filled with Hot Choco.

Someone Open The Door, its Touya.

Touya: Senpai, There you are.

Kayden: Yo, whatcha here for?

Touya: Wanna join me on shopping for Bike Materials?

Kayden: I Think I'll Pass..

Touya: ok.. Then See ya.

Touya Open a Gate and enters the Royal Capital. and the gate closed.

Kayden: *sigh* Yare Yare.. *Sips and Drink entire Hot Choco*

My Cup is now Empty.

Kayden: Welp, Time to Go Neptune. Ill Ask Laim that Ill be there at Royal Capital By Now.

(King Crimson)

Location: Royal Capital

I was Traveling with Neptune, Holding it, I Decided to buy apples if Neptune can dissolve by eating it, i Heard apples have 85% of Water inside of it so i decided to buy on market by now, its kinda dangerous to spawn it on my hand. like weird magic that you can spawn any fruits by now.

I Don't Want anyone think My Toolgun is a SSS+ Tier Artifact

When I Found a Apple Shop and ask to buy apple some Furry Ear Thugs elbow me as a Jerk Move. almost Tripped me.

Thug 1: Hey Watch it!

Kayden: What The Bloody hell!

The Shop Keeper already ran off, I was complete surrounded by Few Thugs. I Heard a Familiar Voice from the side. Lyon Blitz running towards us and stand against thugs. 

Lyon Blitz: Stop!

Thug 2: Who are you?

Lyon Blitz: Let Him go. Aren't you ashamed of yourselves ganging up on one Kid?

Thug 1: Hold it Right There.

Now They Took me as hostage, pointing one pesky knife on my neck.

Thug 1: if you step Right Closer Ill Slit this brat's neck off.

Kayden: -_- Really?

Thug 1: Shut up Kid!

On The Bushes, Touya, King Blau, Yumina, Sushie and Arma's Little Sister are watching me, however in the first place they were spying on these 2 couples, Lyon and Arma.

Touya: I didn't except he could be here.

Blau: I Smell Rage towards his soul.

Yumina: Because he call him a Kid? whats gonna happened to them.

Touya: They will lose in split seconds. hehe..

I Glow Blue Aura

Kayden: Now your insulting me..

Thug 1: huh?

I Step on his Foot by Crushing it as he Screamed so loud in split second and Elbow Strike, Knock Him Off 8 Meters away and he drops a knife.

Thug 2: What The Hell?!

All Thugs attention towards me. 

Lyon: What Just Happened to him?

Thug 2: Get him!

2 Thugs Charge at me with Simple Pocket Knifes.

Kayden: *sigh* Yare Yare..

As They Going to Stab me, I grab Both of Their arms and Lift 2 Thugs in the Air and Slam them on the Ground like a Low Weight Ragdolls and i Use Them as Meat Weapon. I Sandwich One Thug and Dual Strike few Thugs then Toss 2 thugs away.

Achievement Unlock: Ragdoll Weaponry

Thug 8: You Monster!!

I Front Kick Him at he Got Launched away and crash into a coconut Tree and One Coconut Fell on His Nuts and pass out.

Kayden: I Hope I Didn't Scare ya Face-to-Face Man Fightin!

When I look to the Left as I Pick up Neptune, I Spotted Touya and King of Beastmen wearing Disguise Mask.

Kayden: What are you guys doing here?

King Blau: Accel *Poof*

I Feel Like I Should n't be here. So I Grab Neptune

Kayden: Sticky Fingers!!

Zip on the ground and i Hop it and close to hide myself here.

1 Day Later

I was now being lazy on the couch with neptune, I saw a Touya's gate right under my back and fell off.

Kayden: What The F*beep*?!

Location: Eashen

<--------------------- To Be Continued

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