Chapter 6 Third Bomb

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Time: 8:09 PM
Location:City of Night
Status: Despair

Kayden Was Being Chased By Hundreds of Women inside the City of Night, then the screen Froze

Kayden: Yep, That's me, you probably wondering why how I ended up here.

(Moody Blues)

Three days after the war game

Inside The Mansion, Kayden Spent Hours Playing any FPS Games on his PC until night.


Kayden: what?

Kayden Took Off his headphones and paused DOOM Eternal.

Kayden: Im Playing Doom eternal >:v

Gil: that's nice, BUT I'M SERIOUS! Bell followed some girl into the pleasure district, we need to go in and drag that mongrel out of there before he lose his virginity to a sl*t!

Kayden: Holy Shit!, Excuse me? Did you say he went to the city of night?!

Gil: no, he went to the pleasure district...THE PLEASURE DISTRICT! He way too young for that

Kayden: oh my god, *Red Left Eye Glow Triggered* that IDIOT!!!!!!

Bell's Age is 14, due to his 165 cm can be deceived by looks and Age at the same time, but he's Underage!!

Gil: there's no time to play with that game of yours, we need to hurry!

Kayden: Fine, Bring out the Vinama.

Gil and Kayden Went outside the mansion

Gil summoned a huge gate, Vimana came out of it

Kayden: Just Make Sure Don't Appear on top of the town due to our popularity on war games. Try to land somewhere else where people can't see us.

Gil: people think it's my "little brother" who attended the war game so it's fine

Kayden: hmm, okay.. But the problem is.. I Don't recognize the map of City of Night. So It will take some time to find him. + My Intelligent Hud which i can detect like wallhack things, but that place, there's too many people like thousands of them.

Gil: Ugh that Bell.......ah right! Just command your drone to wait at the Ishtar familia HQ, he will be there

Kayden: That's Another Problem, imagine i can see it on a drone's View on search every block and inside the building during mating blows my brain off. So i have to rely on myself. However, there's no time to lose, he could lose his virginity at any moment now. If he did, I'll use the Third Bomb Ability of Killer Queen.

Gil: wait you have the Killer Queen?

Kayden: what. You didn't remember back on war games 3 days ago?

Killer Queen Pops out of Kayden's Body in Full Form.

Kayden: I can Do whatever I want, Even I Can Kill someone by writing a name with a Death Note. anyway let's go.

Kayden Jumps on the Vimana First Before Gil

Kayden: I Don't Know how to drive this thing but i prefer you do it.

Gil sat on the throne that is on the Vimana, the ship starts to lift

Gil: you better prepare yourself, it is going it be quite a ride

Kayden use The Toolgun and Weld himself like a seatbelt

Gil tapped on the chair arm of the throne twice, the Vimana blasts off towards the pleasure district

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