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Jungkook disappointed Jin.

Jin didn't know why Jungkook changed so much. He's very different from how he was before. The Jungkook he knew was respectful. A bit naughty, but he never overstepped his limits and boundaries.

Jungkook saw the flash of disappointment in Jin's eyes and he instantly regretted his actions and words. He didn't want to end this day on a bad note so he apologized.

"Look, Jin, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. It's just that I really missed you and I was jealous when I saw you two earlier and you barely acknowledged me."

Jin remained quiet and thought about what to do with Jungkook. It would be a lot easier if he could just forgive Jungkook and start again but something holds him back and he didn't know what it is.

"Hyung, please, don't be mad at me." Jungkook looked at him with those big doe eyes he couldn't resist. "I'm really sorry. I won't try anything, and I wouldn't say anything about your friend, just please, talk to me."

Jin sighed, for the nth time since Jungkook came.

"Okay." He said softly. He didn't know what to say since the situation between them has become awkward.

"Let's watch a movie, Hyung. I really missed spending time with you. You know you are my favorite person, right?"

"I wish that was true." Jin mumbled under his breath.

Jungkook was busy browsing through the movies that he didn't catch what Jin said. "Sorry, what was that?"


Jungkook happily laid beside Jin on his bed so they can watch their favorite movies. He told Jin about his college friends, his professors, his projects while Jin just laid beside him quietly. He rarely commented on his stories which Jungkook deemed very unlikely of Jin but he shrugged it off. He tried intertwining their hands but Jin swiftly removed his hand from Jungkook's hold. Again, that action surprised him. He was determined to make Jin respond to him so he made all kinds of silly jokes and stories. His hardwork paid off when Jin chuckled on one of his jokes and he was so proud of himself. He still hasn't seen the smile reach Jin's eyes but he swore that he'll do everything to bring them back.

He's still jealous of the boy who took Jin's time and attention away from him, but he knows his best friend like the back of his hand, and he's sure he'll have him back in no time.

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