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Jin hasn't heard from Jungkook for more than a week now. He's been trying to apologize to Jungkook eversince but still, Jungkook has been ignoring him. He also hasn't seen him back home since he left.

He had a hard time concentrating on his studies, he was always wondering what Jungkook was doing right at that moment. He cannot eat, he cannot sleep, he's just lost. Not being able to take any of this longer, he decided to go to Jungkook's building and wait for him.

Jin texted Jungkook that he'd be waiting outside, and received no reply. He sighed. He'll just have to wait it out. After a long while, Jungkook came out of the building all smiles while holding a petite boy's hand. They looked cozy and sweet staring at each other's eyes while talking. He was deeply hurt by what he's seeing so he approached Jungkook when the boy talked to some friends.

"Jungkook! I've been trying to call you since last week."

Jungkook, annoyed at seeing Jin, said, "I'm busy."

"Can we talk now? We can walk home together."

"No, Jin, I have nothing to say to you."

Jin held on to Jungkook's hands, "Jungkook, please. Let me explain-"

Jungkook pulled back harshly and shouted, "Don't you understand the word 'no'?"

"Babe, who's this?" The petite boy came to them and asked.

Babe? Jin was dumbfounded. He thought Jungkook and him shared something special and that's why they've been hanging out and making love for the past three months. And Jungkook yelled at him. He's never done that before.

"He's an old friend, babe."

Old friend? Was he just that to Jungkook? A friend? Who he fucks in the meantime?

Not wanting to hear any more and look even more pathetic than he is right now, Jin walked away. With tears in his eyes once again for the man who he loves so much but doesn't seem to even have an ounce of care for him.

"This will be the last time I'll let you hurt me, Jeon Jungkook. I refuse to be used and played like this anymore. If I'm just an old friend to you, then so be it."

Retrouvailles | Jinkook ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora