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Graduation day.

Jin and Taehyung cannot believe that they've finished college. They tossed their graduation caps and hugged and congratulated each other. They've never felt so fulfilled especially Jin who did this without much help from his parents.

Jin's parents went to congratulate them both. They invited the two for dinner to celebrate their achievement. Jin was so delighted that he can spend some time with his parents but Taehyung seems a bit hesitant. He didn't want to intrude on their moment together. But Jin assured him that it'll be fine and they'd have a great time, and honestly, who is he to deny that lovely pout on Jin's face?

The dinner went by quickly, Jin ate heartily and talked animatedly with his parents. They all missed this Jin. Unlike the cold one who barely even said a word when they were at their house together.

They finished dinner and Jin's parents went home. Jin asked Taehyung to accompany him to an ice cream parlor. They each ordered their favorites and happily ate. They were both euphoric. They could finally start their plan of building a restaurant together. But Jin was especially happy. He knows that his decision will be the best way to end this day.

After their impromptu ice cream date, Taehyung walked him home. They were talking about everything that happened in the past years, and how thankful they both were that they met each other.

"Jin, thank you for this wonderful day. I'm so happy I get to spend the whole day with you and your family." Tae said while holding Jin's hand. They were already at Jin's front door.

"No, Taehyung. Thank you. For sticking by me all these years. You've seen my best and you've also seen my worst. But you stuck by me. You cared for me when I felt neglected, you made me feel important. You lifted me up when I was at my lowest. You loved me when I wasn't even deserving to be loved."

"Jin, let's not —" Taehyung tried to interrupt but Jin silenced him by putting his finger on Tae's lips.

"Let me finish this, Tae." Taehyung just nodded and pouted like a baby. "You've been there for me all the time, loving me unconditionally. Even when I pushed you away, you never once faltered. You proved to me that I was worth it. That I was worth loving. And for that, I will always be grateful."

Taehyung is already crying by now. He didn't know where Jin was going with this. He was afraid that Jin already got tired of him and will ask him to leave. He didn't know what he would do if that happens. Jin is his life and —

"I love you, Taehyung."

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