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Jungkook dropped by Jin's house that afternoon. He knew Taehyung already left and he'll use the opportunity to get close to Jin again. He knows this wouldn't be easy but he will do everything to make Jin fall in love with him.

He pushed the doorbell and Mrs. Kim opened the door for him. "Jungkook, what a pleasant surprise. What brought you here today?"

Jungkook kissed Mrs. Kim's cheek and said "Good afternoon, Mrs. Kim. I'm here for Jin. Is he around?"

Mrs. Kim looked around as if contemplating if she would tell Jungkook the truth. She's happy that Jin found someone who loves him but deep in her heart, she knows that his son belonged to Jungkook.

"Yeah, he's up in his bedroom. You know the way. Have patience, Jungkook. You know how much you've hurt him, right?"

Jungkook sighed. "I do, Mrs. Kim, and I'm really sorry. And that's why I want to make it up to him, I want to make this right."

"He's happy now, Jungkook. The happiest I have seen him in a long while. Please don't ruin it for him."

"I am determined to make everything right between us, and to make him happy, Mrs. Kim. I promise you that. I love your son. I am just too stupid and immature back then to realize the gem I have with me."

"I believe you love him, Jungkook, but he has someone now. It wouldn't be right if you would just come between them. My son was blindly in love with you before, and you took him for granted. If you are not serious with him this time, please, I'm begging you. Just let him be."

Jungkook's tear fell upon hearing Mrs. Kim say those words. He's not only hurt Jin, but he also hurt Jin's parents. He was surprised the Kims still maintained their friendship with his parents.

"I am serious about your son, Mrs. Kim. I won't ever hurt him again, I promise to take care of him and to make him even happier. I just need one chance to prove myself.  Even if he doesn't love me back, at least I know, I've done my best."

"Alright then, I wish you all the good luck in the world, son. You're gonna need it badly right now." Mrs. Kim patted his shoulder and let him inside the house.

Jungkook knocked softly on Jin's bedroom door. When he didn't hear any response, he knocked again a little bit louder. He was actually nervous for the first time to face Jin. He knew the man hated him to the core and he didn't know what to do to be forgiven but he thinks having courage like this is a start.

Jin just got out of the shower when he heard a knock on his door. Thinking it was his mom or dad, he immediately opened the door with just his robe on.

Both men were shocked upon seeing each other. Jin's face immediately hardened when he saw who was outside his bedroom.

"What are you doing here, Jungkook-ssi?" Jin coldly asked.

Jungkook flinched at the harsh tone he wasn't used to hearing from his love. "I-I'm here to apologize, Jin."

"Well, you are too many years too late, Jungkook-ssi. Apology not accepted." Jin attempted to slam the door shut on Jungkook's face but Jungkook was quicker and stronger. He barged inside Jin's bedroom and locked the door.

"What are you doing? Get out! You are not welcome here!"

"Jin, please just listen to me. I'm sorry. I know I hurt you badly. But I've changed. I've realized my mistakes and I want to start over with you. Please forgive me, Jin."

Jin huffed. "You think with just a few words of apology I'd come running back to you? Please, Jungkook-ssi. I am no longer that stupid person who believes everything you say."

Jungkook knelt in front of Jin and cried. If he was the Jungkook from before, he definitely wouldn't do this. But he is a changed man, a man determined to get his love back.

"Jin, I know there were no excuses for all the things I said and did to you before. I'm sorry. I am truly very sorry for hurting you. I was an idiot for doing all those things to an angel like you. I still am an idiot for realizing too late how much you mean to me. I love you, Jin. Always have, always will."

"Love? You don't even know the word love, Jungkook-ssi. Do you even know how love feels? You don't know anything about love. You were selfish. You still are. Are you here now because you see that I am happy with someone else? Are you out here to ruin again what I have built for myself? You only love yourself, Jungkook-ssi."

Jungkook tried to reach out to Jin while begging for his forgiveness but Jin just swatted his hands away.

"Don't you dare touch me. You lost that right a long, long time ago."

Jungkook just knelt and cried his heart out in front of Jin. He didn't know that it would hurt this bad when confronted with the reality. Jin took his clothes from the closet and went to his bathroom.

"I want you gone by the time I get back, Jungkook-ssi."

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