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Jin was tossing and turning in his bed. He couldn't believe the things that Taehyung said to him. His phone rang and he answered it absentmindedly.

Jin: Hello?

Taehyung: Baby? I'm sorry. I was tired, and all I wanted was to come home to you. When I saw Jungkook opened the door, I got so mad my mind went blank. I didn't mean any of the things I said earlier. I knew you wouldn't do those things to me.

Jin listened to his boyfriend's explanation quietly. He didn't know what to think right now. He was not in the mood to talk to Taehyung either. He's so used to not getting responses from the man that he's at a loss with what to say to him.

Taehyung: Baby, don't be mad, please? I was just jealous. I'm sorry.

Jin: I don't know what to say, Tae.

Taehyung: I'm sorry, baby. Please? I'm tired and I miss you and I just want to be with you.

Jin: I'm sorry I can't do this right now.

Jin ended the call. He was confused and hurt. He couldn't accept the things Taehyung said to him. He picked up his phone, and texted Jungkook.

Jin: Are you still awake?

Jungkook: Yeah, are you okay? I'm sorry I let Taehyung say those things to you.

Jin: I don't know. Are you okay? He hit you pretty hard though. And he also said some pretty nasty things about you.

Jungkook: I'm fine, Jin. Don't worry. What he said was true though. I really did all those things to you before.

Jin: We've talked about this already. Stop blaming yourself, I've forgiven you, right?

Jungkook: I know, I know. But I still feel guilty. I'm sorry. ☹️

Jin: What's with the emoji? Anyway, I'm getting sleepy. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night, Kook.

Jungkook: I'm acting cute for you. Sleep tight, Jinnie. 😘

Jin smiled and turned his phone off so Taehyung couldn't reach him. He wasn't this mad when he ignored his calls and messages but the insult he received tonight was too much.

Jin woke up the next morning with his doorbell ringing nonstop. He stomped to the front door and opened it angrily.

"Jin, baby, did I wake you up?" It was Taehyung.

"What are you doing here?!" He hasn't forgotten a single thing Taehyung said to him last night.

"Baby, don't be like this. I'm sorry, okay?"

"No, it's not okay. You disappeared on me for three months. Not a single text, Taehyung! Then what? You came here and insulted me the first chance you got!" Jin said, his voice getting louder and harder with each word.

Taehyung was surprised at Jin's tone. He hasn't heard him get angry before. Not even with Jungkook.

"I was wondering day and night what happened to you, are you that fucking busy that you can't even send me a single text? I didn't even know you were out of the country! I looked like a pathetic mistress calling your office everyday asking for you! Jungkook was here assuring me that you wouldn't cheat on me, but what? You accused us of fucking each other! I thought you knew me well, Taehyung, but clearly you don't. I may be many things, but I am not a cheater!"

"Jin, I am really sorry. It's just that I know how much you loved Jungkook. I was insecure. I thought you got back with him while I was gone. I —"

"I practically jumped in joy when I saw you! How can you let your anger cloud your judgment like that?"

"Jin, please. Don't be mad at me anymore. I don't have much time. I want us to be okay before I go again." Taehyung pleaded.

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