Good News

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Jin and Jungkook went back to their normal lives after spending their two week honeymoon in Paris. They explored the city during the day, and explored each others' bodies more at night.

Sure they've been living together even before they got married, living together while knowing they are tied to each other for the rest of their lives made them treat each other differently. They've had arguments and fights, but they don't let a day go by without resolving their issues. They also made sure that they don't utter words that might hurt each other. They became each others' best buddies, partner and lover.

Jin smiled fondly while looking at their wedding photo. It's been two years since they got married. He had doubts at first but seeing how Jungkook changed and proved to him that he's here to stay made him realize that second chances like these rarely come by. Following their hearts and rediscovering their feelings and relationship was indeed the best decision he ever made, second was agreeing to marry his wonderful husband.

"I'm home, love." Jungkook wrapped him in a tight embrace. "How was your day?"

"Fine, except for a lot of kicking from this little bean inside me." Jin caressed his growing stomach lovingly. He is six months pregnant with their child and is currently on bed rest.

They discovered Jin was a carrier six months ago when Jin thought he was down with the flu and had himself checked.

"Are you alright, love?" Jungkook asked his husband worriedly. Jin has been in and out of their bathroom throwing up the whole morning.

"I'm fine, love. I think I caught a stomach flu."

"Let's go to the doctor then, Jin. You might get dehydrated with all the vomitting."

"No need, I'm good. You have to go to work, Kook. No need to get yourself worked up."

"Are you sure, love? Work can always wait, you are my priority."

"100% positive, baby. Go on, you'll be late."

Jungkook left Jin to go to work but he was still worried. He hasn't seen Jin sick eversince they knew each other. When he arrived at work, he immediately checked on his husband who assured him that he's fine and there's nothing to worry about so he relaxed a bit and focused on his work instead.

Jin, on the other hand, was still wretching in their bathroom. He was getting worried, he hasn't eaten anything without throwing up since yesterday. He made an appointment with his doctor without telling Jungkook.

"Congratulations, Jin. You are five weeks pregnant."

Jin was stunned. He didn't know he was a carrier. He hasn't known anyone who is a carrier in his and Jungkook's circle. His tears of happiness fell. He wanted to have a family with Jungkook. He was ready to adopt, he was even open to the idea of surrogacy. Anything just to give Jungkook a child. The doctor prescribed him vitamins and taught him some exercises to keep him and the baby healthy.

Jin remembered what he said to Jungkook before he left for work. 100% positive. He giggled, he was positive alright. Now, he was thinking how to tell his husband the wonderful news.

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