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June 4, 2021

The end and the beginning.

"I didn't know that saying goodbye to my life as a bachelor would be a happy occassion. I never thought I would tie myself to one person. I've always believed that I belong to no one but the world until I realized I love a certain handsome man. My best friend. You.

I know I've hurt you a lot before, and I will forever be sorry for that, but I didn't regret that it happened. It made me realize that there would be no one else for me, I belong to you. My home is with you, Jin. You are my end and my beginning.

You've always made me happy, baby, you've always made me and my happiness your priority. Now it's my turn. I promise to respect you as your own person, to realize that your needs, interests and wants are no less important than mine. I promise to encourage your dreams, and support you in whatever decision you make. I promise to grow with you, to face every challenge with you, to give you attention, to make you smile, to remind you that you are beautiful. I promise to be your partner, your equal in everything.

Most of all, I promise to love you, unconditionally, with all of me, until the fates decide that we've had enough, but even then, even beyond this life, I will never stop loving you and making you feel that you are it for me."

Jin was full on crying. He knew Jungkook loves him, but not to this extent. He was speechless.

"Jin, Love, don't cry." Jungkook cupped his cheeks and almost kissed his fiance which made the officiant clear his throat. Everybody was laughing because Jungkook couldn't seem to wait but they also have tears in their eyes. They were aware of the journey these lovers have gone through to arrive to this day.

"Jungkook, I don't know what to say. I'm honestly speechless. I... I have always loved you. As a younger brother when we were 5, as my best friend when we were 12. As a lover when we were 18, and now at 26, as a partner, my husband, my future. I've loved you in varying degrees, in different situations. I've never stopped loving you, even when we're not together, you always have a place in my heart.

I won't promise anything, Jungkook. But I will try my hardest, to give you a lifetime of stability, of happiness. To show you that this life is no good without you, that I wouldn't be what I am if not for you. I will share all I have and all that I am with you.

Love, with you, everything I do makes sense. I have a purpose, a meaning to my life. Thank you for coming back to me, for waiting, for making me the happiest I can ever be.

This is the end of a life lived without you, and the beginning of a life filled with only you.

I love you so much, Love."

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