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Jin thought about what his mother said and decided to follow her advice. He contemplated what to do and what to say to Jungkook once they face each other. He decided to meet the man at a cafe near their homes so Jungkook couldn't try to do anything to him.

"Jinnie, I'm sorry, I'm late. I just got back from a meeting and I drove here as fast as I can."

Jin looked at Jungkook. He admits the man is really handsome. Like a fine wine that ages beautifully. But he's not here to admire his ex bestfriend.

"It's okay, I just got here too. Have a seat."

Jungkook sat across from Jin, afraid he'll overwhelm him if he sits next to him.

"Thank you, Jin, for giving me this chance. You don't know how happy you made me."

"I'm just here because Eomma told me to talk to you. Nothing more." Jin said sharply.

Jungkook was taken aback by the harshness in Jin's tone but he didn't let it get to him. He's determined to redeem himself in Jin's eyes.

"I know. I'm still thankful though." Jungkook flashed his signature bunny smile. "What do you want to order? Are you having your usual?"

Jin nodded silently. He was secretly elated that Jungkook still remembers his preferences.

"Stop it, Jin. Don't be swayed by his smile and thoughtfulness. You'll end up hurt again if you let that happen." He thought to himself.

Jungkook came back with their orders and started eating quietly. When they both finished, Jungkook cleared his throat and started talking.

"Jin, I'm really sorry for what happened to us. I know you don't deserve to be treated that way. I'm a jerk. An asshole. I don't even deserve to be forgiven. I just want you to know that I am sorry. Really, really sorry."

"Is sorry all you have to say? I've heard that before. If you don't have anything new and more to say, then I'll leave." Jin was about to get up from his seat when Jungkook stopped him.

"No, Jin. Let me explain. Please."

Jin sat down again and said, "Alright. Talk."

"I got scared, Jin. We were too young to get serious. I knew your feelings for me was getting deeper. I want to have fun. Experience things, meet different people. I was immature back then. I thought I could have it all. I thought I could have you, while trying to be with others too. I was easily angered by things, I was jealous. Especially when I saw you with Taehyung. I didn't think I would lose you, Jin. I've always known you loved me, and will never get tired of me. So I took you for granted. I thought you'd still be here when I came around."

"I came back, Jin. After a week. I don't know, for some reason your face haunted me. I realized I couldn't lose you. I went to your house. But Auntie said you already left. I didn't believe her at first so I went to your room. I saw most of your things were gone. My world collapsed that day, Jin. I tried calling you over and over but it just went straight to voicemail. Auntie gave me your new number after weeks of coming to your house. Said she pitied me. I got your number, Jin. But I figured I need to be better before meeting you again. I wanted to call you. God knows how much I long to hear your voice, how much I wanted to see you. But I restrained myself. I want to be the best for you, to make up for all the hurt and pain I've caused you. I stopped playing around after you left. It's the least I can do to prove myself worthy of you."

Jin was speechless. He didn't know Jungkook did all those things. He refused to hear anything from his parents when he left. He didn't even come to family occassions to avoid crossing paths with Jungkook.

"I love you, Jin. I still do. I am in love with you. That day you came back, I was so happy. After years of not seeing you, finally, I'll get to be with you. But my world shattered once more. You came back with a boyfriend. I never once thought you'd love somebody else. I was hurt and mad at the same time. Not with you, but with myself. How can I be so stupid? I am mad that I let you go that day. That I didn't chase you when you left. But I guess it's the price I have to pay for hurting you. For breaking you."

Tears rolled off their eyes. Both Jin and Jungkook were crying. How Jin longed for Jungkook to say those words years before. All he feels now is bitterness and resentment.

"I-I love Taehyung." Jin whispered while looking down. Jungkook was contemplating what to say next. After a while he sighed deeply.

"I know. And I am happy for you. He loves you. Since then. Until now. After seeing how he treated you, I can now let you go because I know you're in good hands."

It pains Jungkook so much to say those words but he cannot hold Jin back anymore. If he's happy with Taehyung, then who is he to stop him? It's the right thing to do, he loves Jin, and he'll do everything to make him happy even if it kills him, even if it's not with him.

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