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Taehyung went home around 10 PM. He turned his phone on for his video call with Jin. He forgot to send him a message earlier because of his hectic schedule. He also forgot the ugly fight he had with Jin so he was surprised to receive messages from him and a couple of lines stood out.

Let's stop this before we hurt each other more.


He reread the messages over and over hoping Jin was just pulling a prank on him but no. This is serious. He called Jin and his phone just kept on ringing.

Jin was doing his morning routine when he heard his phone ringing. It was Taehyung. He got nervous.

Jin: Hello?

Taehyung: Jin, baby! You finally answered. I was so busy I forgot to call you.

Jin: It's fine.

Taehyung: Are you mad? Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say tho—

Jin: Taehyung, stop, stop. Didn't you get my message?

Taehyung: I did, you're joking right? You're just mad that's why you sent those messages.

Jin: No, Taehyung. I am not mad. Not anymore. And I'm serious about what I said. I've had enough. I'm sorry but I can't do this any longer.

Taehyung: You can't be serious, Jin! What?

Taehyung heard Jungkook on the background.

"Jin, hurry up. You're late. I'll drop you off at the restaurant and then I'll fetch you later."

Taehyung:  You're cheating on me! That's why it's easy for you to break up with me!

Jin: What? I am not a cheater, Taehyung!

Taehyung: If you're not, then why is Jungkook at your house this early?

Jin: I don't have to explain anything to you, Taehyung. You always accuse me of something I didn't do. You know what's the reason why we're breaking up? It's because of you! You snap at me, yell at me, curse at me. You hurt me. Over and over. I tried to understand you, Tae, because I know you're struggling. I hid the pain from you, from everyone. But now I'm done. I don't need any of that in my life. Let's end this before we hurt each other too much and end up hating each other. Goodbye, Tae. I wish you the best of luck.

Jin didn't wait for Tae to respond and immediately hung up the phone. This has become the norm for them. Tae calling, Jin answering, Tae getting mad over something Jin didn't do, and Jin hanging up. It's no longer healthy for them.

Jungkook heard everything Jin said. He knocked on Jin's door softly and checked if he's alright. Jin looked a bit sad, but overall, he looked fine.

"Taehyung and I are really over, Jungkook. This is real. I feel bad that we ended like this but, I have to. Before I end up hating him."

Jungkook embraced his best friend. "We'll get through this, Jin. I'll be with you."

On the other side of the world, Taehyung was shocked. He didn't realize that he's been hurting Jin. All the while he thought he's the only one struggling.

He's always thought that he's the one who's doing all the loving between him and Jin. He realized that he has so little faith when it comes to Jin's love for him. He failed to notice that Jin has also been loving him with everthing he's got and he just disregarded it.

He tried calling Jin back several times but he never once picked up. He was panicking inside, but he can't do anything. He wants to go home right at that moment, but thinking about their business makes him stop and think about things.

In the end, he just let fate decide for their relationship.

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