17. Now Ball is in my Court

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Mew and Gulf are sharing a private room they are laying on different beds...After listening to Mew's story from Saint Gulf denied all allegations on his dad.... Gulf felt dizzy due to a heavy dose of medicine...and he falls asleep...

Gulf: Opened his eyes and saw Zee is not available in the room and Saint is sitting in between beds of his and Mew and looking at Mew...Gulf tried to get up as he was feeling hungry...

Saint: wait here I will bring your food...how are you feeling now...

Gulf: looked at Saint in confusion...he just replied better...

Saint: I don't hate you Gulf ...I was just concerned more for Mew ....I know you don't believe whatever I said but I can understand... it's hard to accept that he is not what you think.... especially when you heard all this from strangers...I don't blame you coz I know Truth can't be hidden for long....you will eventually or gradually will know the truth...

Come on open your mouth and let me feed you...I was waiting for you to get up ...you didn't eat for a long time...

Gulf: My dad is a good man you guys misunderstood him...

Saint: Okay as you say now open your mouth...I know you are hungry...

Saint feeds Gulf like a baby and asks him to take his medicine...

Mew: No, princess...please wake up see your momma is here...princess I beg you baby please talk to me.....princess...princ...prin...

Saint: He is again dreaming ... the doctor said the fever is too high and due to too much stress it is affecting his mind...they gave medicine and said he will be fine...but we need to make him understand that Princess is no more and Akil is lying...

Gulf: how are you so sure that his sister is dead...

Saint: coz Zee's dad attended the funeral of his family so he saw girl's dead body...I guess that bastard knows how to play with Mew's mind ...

Gulf: My dad can't be cruel...I am sure mew is not right ...my dad can't do all this...Gulf murmured don't know whether he is trying to make Saint believe that his dad is innocent or to himself...

After some time Saint received a call from zee who left the hospital to meet the client...

Saint: yes baby...

Zee: Baby take Mew and Gulf and hide somewhere immediately... someone from the hospital staff recognized Gulf and informed Akil Kanawut...now he is outside the hospital...

Saint: What that bastard is here....

Zee: Yes baby please run and hide and make sure Gulf is with you ...he is the only one who can save both of you from Akil...put him on Gunpoint and wait for me...

Saint: but baby where are all your bodyguards....

Zee: They are near the main gate trying hard not to let anyone enter but we have fewer people ...till I will reach I am afraid Akil will get inside...and baby Akil know your room number so just go and hide in other room....

Saint: okay baby...he turned and saw Gulf is not there...shit did he run away...

Saint looked outside but he didn't find gulf so he took Mew in the wheelchair coz he was unconscious And now it's urgent to save mew first....and move to hide...

Gulf: he was walking barely... the moment he heard "what that bastard is here" he understood that his dad came to rescue him....he slowly gets up and escapes...

I HATE MY HUSBAND 3 (Completed)(Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now