《Chapter 1-A Familiar Face》

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So your name is Catherine Frost. Age 19. A Great student. Citizen of America, came to Korea (A/N: I like this country so if you want you can think of any other country you want) to complete studies. No parents . No sibling.

Catherine Pov:

Yes Ma'am, I replied. A lady probably the owner of this shop was looking at my Biodata while asking me several questions. "I am looking for a part time job nearby to earn my expenses. I would be very much thankful if you give me a job in your coffee shop". She looked satisfied by my answer.

"By the way, can I ask one question?" to which she nodded , " why are you taking so much information about me ? it's not like that I will be working in a company".

She looked at me for a while and then answered " It's just one of our previous teenaged worker committed suicide and I was left with no information about her to give to the police . It was a huge mess, her face cannot be identified properly. She was just bleeding and nothing about her was known. But she was carrying our employee's identity card . so the police arrived here and so on"

I was shocked to know what these girls are doing. " But I don't have any wish to commit suicide" I told proudly.

"But I don't know you personally ",she smiled.

She finally approved me . I went inside to see Ameeran. She was doing her work properly ." ohh Madam, Ameeran Walton. How have you been?!". Without wasting any second She came and hugged me.

" I have been Waiting for you so long "- She smiled .

" thank you for helping to get this job . it will really help me "- I was very happy.

" if you really want to thank me then buy me dinner tonight " I nodded

" sure " it was kind of new world to me.

"Let start"- She said to which we started our work . I am going to stay in her apartment with her for a couple of days until I find myself a good one.

Time Skip:

At Ameeran's house:

I took a shower and rested on my bed . She gave me the room with the balcony . Actually this room belongs to her sister but she is not in Seoul( the capital of South Korea ). She went abroad for her studies .

I am laying on my bed thinking that tomorrow is the first day of my University. How will my first day be ? Will I make many friends there? Suddenly my random thoughts was interrupted when my eyes landed on the wall clock. " ohh Shit!!!, it's already 11.35 pm " I cursed myself and went to sleep. But I was so excited that Sleep is not taking over. I decided to visit my phone's Gallery. I was just going through the photos suddenly a message beeped from an unknown number .

"Missed me? "- it's all that the message told. I was afraid." Who is this ?"- I thought. I was shocked to hear something noisy . It sounded like a car which was running at a high speed suddenly came to rest. Not liking the situation I moved from bed and and decided to give a look from the balcony. I was careful enough to take my phone to turn the torch on .

But actually Torch was not needed . I can clearly see a man wearing something black with a big hat . He was standing just below the street light , leaning to a car. He was tall. But That's all I think say about him . Because his face was totally covered with that hat . I saw him holding his phone near his ears . suddenly a call beeped in my phone from the same unknown number.

I was very much sacred about all the things happening to me at the first day in this country . I am a very simple girl who does not interfere into others matters then why me? Thinking all these the call ended. But the person called again. I decided to take the call . My hands are shaking. I took the call.

"hello"- I spoke first with my trembling voice.

"Good Girl"- this was the response from the other side . the voice was deep. Deep like a well. I became more sacred .

" I am a student. I do not behave badly with anyone . I respect every work. I think I don't know you so I haven't done anything . why are you calling me ???".. I started speaking rubbish out of fear .."..A-nd I-I am a very s-simple girl . I don't think I can be any u-use to you " At this moment my voice was completely shaking .

"It's been long Catherine, I finally found you" I was looking at him straight . I can clearly tell by his voice that he was smiling.

" W-who is t-this?" - I was totally lost . By this time his smile was more into laugh. I can hear him. But he was not responding .

Then I spoke,"Wait!!!..... don't tell me ......AGENT 004??"

Hello everyone ,,this is my first story hope you all like it..do vote and comment. So "AGENT 004?" who is he?. Do Catherine know him? Is he good ? will his presence change her simple life?..Stay turned

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