《Chapter 45- The End》

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Catherine's POV

It's been more than three years now. We are back to America. It feels good to return back to hometown. We are currently enjoying the happy days. I still haven't got the courage to tell Ryan that his mom is a murderer...his mother killed my parents and his father also. He loves his mother very much...it's good to forget the past...but I can't accept it...his mother's condition is also not good and she is currently bed ridden.

"Mom...I am struck" - Ryker came out from his room.

"Where?" - I came to his level.

"Here...our school has given this paper...madam said to fill it..."

"What's this?" - I took the paper.

"We have to write about our parents...but I can't understand what to write in the occupation" - He innocently looked at me.

"Umm... CEO of RYCEE" - I smiled. As Ryan promised me, We had left the illegal mafia business and now we are running a fashion brand... It was not that tough because of the money. Ryan is the CEO of RYCEE. He handles everything and doesn't let me work much.

"Princess.... Can you fix my tie?" - Ryan came out holding some of the documents and a bread. I went and fixed his tie.

" Bye mom"- Ryker waved. I waved back. I went back to my room and took out a photograph. It was of Aiden and me...It has been so many years still I cannot contact him. I tried dialling his number again.

" The person you are calling is unreachable please try again later... You will be directed towards the voice mail after the beep"- I cut the call. Where are you jerk?... I miss you so much..... Where are you?... I have searched the whole Korea but still can't find you... You even left the Agency. I miss you so much asshole.

Time skip:

Ryan's POV:

"all men ready?" - Ryan asked Mark.

"Yes Master" - Mark answered.

"The guns are also ready" - Ethan entered the room joining Ryan, Mark, Stephen and Dawson.

" So The Black Faced Carters is ready for the next mission" - Ryan concluded.

"What about Catherine? "- Dawson asked. Ryan took a deep breath.

After four hours:

Catherine's POV

"Why isn't Ryan picking up his call?...is he working that much hard?...should I visit him?...wait let me visit him"- Catherine got ready and went out.

Ryan's POV:

" We should leave now" - Ryan ordered.

"Yes Ryan"- Stephen nodded. They took their respective guns.

"What's the hurry?- a female voice was heard. Every one looked towards the person.

" Princess?"

" I am not late, am I?" - she winked.

"Not really" - Dawson smirked.

"Let's complete the mission and celebrate tonight.." - She smirked.

"yes we should celebrate"- Stephen was excited.

" Let's be quick...have to pick up Ryker from school also"- She took her gun and tied her hair up before covering her face. Ryan smirked.

Time skip:

Catherine's POV:

"Gosh we are late" - I was tensed.

"We are almost there"- Ryan said.

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