Elastic Heart

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A/N: This story contains graphical sexual theme. Readers below 16 is not suitable for this, read at your risk. I never expect that this story too long so I chop it into two parts and part two will be soon updated. Thank you for reading! Hope you like this guys!

Elastic Heart







Alisa watch the clock on the side table as her master caress her pink flesh -after he spank her- and kiss the hickey near her left nipple. She's a maid, a cook and a warmer in his bed post. Claud de Obel a genius inventor, chemist and a magician lives in his dark mansion on the mountain top of the city of Spades. He has the money, fame, women and luxury but he feels alone. Claud accidentally drop his chemicals to one of his clone invention and invented a perfect human doll, Alisa de Obel, the woman he dream and desire. Red hair, green eyes and pale skin, a contrast to his mocha skin complexion. She is perfect, beautiful and a body to die for.

Alisa is a perfect human except that she doesn't have a human heart, her heart is incapable of feelings, she doesn't cry, sad or even happy. She is indifferent and some kind of robotic.

"I'll be leaving town for a week Alisa, just don't burn the house when I'm gone"

"Yes, master"



Alisa watch from a far to her master with a beautiful blonde woman. Ever since he came back from his journey he brought this woman and introduce to her his girlfriend. Alisa couldn't explain the sudden heaviness of her heart, she never felt this before, whenever she look at them she feels anger and hatred.


She watch them kissed and couldn't take it anymore she left the room. Alisa went to the market and bought some ingredients for chocolate cake, her remedy. The town people started to accept her and learn to love her, she's very kind and helpful, children loves to play with her.


Enrico the owner of Fine Restaurant became her friend and he was there whenever she needed a friend. It's been months since she told Enrico about the woman in the house. The woman is abusive and her master even punish her for whatever the woman tells to Claud. She still feel the wound on her flesh when her master flogged her.

"That's what happens when you disobey me, Alisa de Obel"

She cried the whole night nursing her wound. But later that night Claud went to her room and cried for punishing her so bad, for being a bastard. He ask forgiveness and of course she forgave him.

"What did he do now?"


"Don't lie to me Ali" he hand to her a bottle of water " Did he hurt you?"



"I'm mad, because she's still there"

"You're jealous not mad" he soften his gaze to her "Ali, you should leave that house, its not good for you"

"I can't leave Master alone"

"He is not alone" he growled

"I know, but I can see it in his eyes, he is empty"

"Be selfish once, Alisa"

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