For Sale: The Lust and The Obsession

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A/N: whoah! Never thought that I could write so fast! Anyways I want to remind everyone that this is an adult/mature theme so readers who have innocent minds. I don't want to corrupt or offend your virgin eyes. Read at your risk!

For Sale: The Lust and The Obsession

Its been two weeks that Rosette notice Kelvin's odd behavior, he is still sweet and kind but he's secretive for this past few days. Amanda her friend advise her many times that if she's being a cock-tease, it is possible that that man will find another woman for release. Rose didn't believe that she trust Kelvin so much being friends for three years before they get into relationship, she knows him well.

'You can't say that, he is still man after all' her conscience telling her.

She watch him drop his things on the floor and went to the kitchen to grab some water. He notice her and he kiss her temple telling her that he is going to take a shower. Rose notice a little stink of lipstick in his collar but she let it go, thinking about his job as a paint artist maybe that is just a red paint on his shirt.


She opens the phone and read her message. Its from Mr. Dean! She thought. Ever since she starts her part time job in his company, he is being considerate and nice to her and most of her time in her work she spend it with him, being his assistant of course. Arthur is really nice although he is kinda strict but he is not boring to be with, there are lots of things she learn from him.

Fr: Mr. Dean

Rosette I am sorry to disturb your evening and for the short notice but I need your assistance for my dinner meeting with my partners. Meet me here at my office at 8pm.

"I have to go"

"Where are you going?" kelvin walk out from the bathroom, clad only with towel around his waist. She gulp looking at his well define muscles and abs. She has to admit he is so sexy and a little bit of insecure for she's plain with big round ass and her not so big boobs, she's cup B and she bet men loves women who has bigger boobies.

"Mr. Dean is asking for my assistance for their dinner meeting"

"Its already out of your office hours Rose" he scowl "do you think he is kind of demanding"

"Kelvin" she sigh they talk about this many times "He help me for my scholarship this is the only way I could repay him, besides doing the notes and minutes of the meeting is not hard"

"You've been away for almost everyday to serve that ass"

"Kelvin!" she reproach him "I'll be back" she kiss his lips.

He groans as she leave their apartment. She went to the bus stop to wait for the bus. She's bringing her notepad, pen, her phone and a little necessities.

Its been two weeks already and he is now worming his way to her good side. Most of the time Edward is not a patient man but for her, he must. One thing that he discovered which is very interesting is that 'the boy' whom his goddess love had a dirty little secret. He chuckled thinking what would his goddess react if she knows.


He heard the sound of the elevator, he was notified by the receptionist that his goddess arrive. Edward stretch his legs as the door to his office opens. There his goddess is so beautiful wearing a black sleeveless dress that accentuate the curves of her breast and to her hips and those plump ass that he wants to grab as she rides him. Her simple powder, mascara and lipstick makes her all the more beautiful.

"Good evening Ed"

"Hm. Good evening to you too"

"I hope I am not late?" she laugh nervously

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