For Sale: Jealousy 2

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Chapter 7
Jealousy 2

The dinner is quite, too quite for Edward's taste and he hated it. His ex-girlfriend keeps feeding bullshit to his current girlfriend. He glare at his mom, trying to figure what the hell is she thinking inviting Nica here in their house.

A sigh from his left leave him from sulking, he glance at his beautiful Rosette. He wanted to apologize but it seems the damage has been done, he will expect a cold war when they arrive home.

"Eddie darling, is the soup's not your liking?" Nica look concern, the devil.

"It's non of your fucking concern"

"Edward Dean!" his mom glared at him which he glared at her twice as hers. "Rosette darling please eat, I notice you didn't eat the meat you keep on stabbing"

"You know what?" he drop his table napkin and grab Rosette's hand. "We better leave. Thanks for inviting us mom"

"What? Your not leaving Eddie the dessert is not yet serve"

"No thank you" he growl " thanks for letting my girlfriend feel so awkward and unwelcome"

"Oh! No" his mom watch Rosette standing beside him "I didn't mean that darling Rosette, Nica's been family and she wanted to see you, that's why I invited her"

"Aunt is right Rosette" Nica butt in, Edward wanted to snap her. Surprise when Rosette smiled at them and grab her purse. "You know what Mrs. Dean, if this is the plot your making me jealous, it works. I know you wanted to be sure that I am serious with your son. Apparently most of his mistresses wanted his money and fame."

"Thank you though for inviting me though" she grab Edward's hand and drag him out the dining room "I love Edward no matter what"

Edward couldn't contain his happiness, as they arrive home he immediately kiss her lips. What happens next made him groan in pain when she pinch his arm so hard.

"Bloody hell!"

"You insensitive man!" she punch him with her tiny fist "You know how embarass I am!"

"There's nothing to be shy babe, you admit in front of my parents that you love me" he smirks soon it turns frown when he notice big fat tears rolls on her face. "Babe what's wrong?"

"I never felt this before... It terrifies me. We've just met a few months and... And I feel so much towards you" she hiccup "I never felt this like what I felt towards my ex"

"Don't talk about your ex, he is nothing" he growled

"You don't want me to talk about when you let that ex of yours join the dinner and act as if I am not there!"

"I didn't invite her for goodness sake woman"

"You didn't but you never tried to stop her from spitting things that you shared together. I admit it I am jealous"

Edward couldn't hide the smug on his face hearing those words coming out from her mouth, surely she feels the same. Noticing him smiling
Rosette glared to him as she move towards their room. If only she could hit that arrogant man's face. She growled knowing that he is very satisfied from her revelation a while ago.


Watching the clock ticks off the time, never in his life Edward feels bored. He wanted to stay home lying next to his beloved, a few weeks has passed and Rosette fell sick. He wanted to take care of her but his company needs his full attention, recently a high earning industry  made an investment to his  company.

"Mr. Dean" his secretary pop her head from the door "Mr. Lobel wants to speak with you"

Edward sigh deeply as he stood up from his chair, it will be a long day.

Eager to go home he  run up two stairs at a time towards their bedroom. He opens the door ready to embrace his beloved, Edward stop on his track noticing Rosette is not resting on their bed.


Feeling scared thinking that maybe Rosette left him, he dash outside searching his beloved while shouting her name. Hearing a small groan from the bathroom, he sigh in relief seeing her kneeling the toilet like a pedestal.

"Whats wrong honey?" I rub her back as she heave.

"I'm fine"

"Its been a week you keep vomitting babe, I think we need to go see a doctor" I rub her back and tell her softly. Its been a week she's sick and I am started to worry.

"Your such a worry wart" she laugh as she stood up and touch my cheek, I kiss the insides of her wrist. Turning around she grab the toothpaste and her toothbrush, I let her do her thing as I made my way to our bedroom. Hearing her close the door and made her way towards me, she then sit on my lap and kiss my lips softly.


"Yes?" seeing her eyes hooded and a pink blush dusted on her cheek, I can't help for being turn on. She's so beautiful and fuckable. Those sweet pouty lips looks good enough to suck.

I lean closer to her as I nibble her lower lip, God! She's so damn beautiful. One thing led to another, we made love on our bed and now I am quite exhausted. I have never been tired after I fuck, I have an active libido, she do really satisfy me. Watching her sleeping beside me, I trace her hips with my finger. She has bigger hips but I wonder why its getting wider, and I am correct her breast is getting larger than before. I watch her flat stomach somewhat not flat anymore, did she gain weight?

Gain or not she's still beautiful and delicious. He likes her being curvy, she's a damn goddess. He also notice the tenderness of her breast when he massage them, though he'll didn't tell her that he taste milk from her breast. Wondering this symptoms, he is not particular on woman's part when they're expecting. Expecting?! God! Is she? No... Maybe.

How come she didn't know? Or she just couldn't tell. He sigh heavily thinking that tomorrow they should visit a doctor and confirm what he suspected.

To be continued...

A/N: next chapter will be the last part of for sale. I think some of you already know what Rosette is having. Hehehe... Thank you for reading and for the votes! I love you guys for not giving up on me. Comments and Suggestions are all welcome. :)

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