The Mistress

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The Mistress
Part 9
You are in love

A little bit of nervous that she will be meeting his brother, wondering why she feel this way; it is as if he is introducing her as his girlfriend which is not. Bringing some homade cookies that Missy gladly helping her although she keeps on teasing her about meeting the parents. Though she corrected Missy that she only be meeting Flynn's older brother and not meeting his parents. That woman just roll her eyes and telling her that she is so obtuse.

"You're a little stiff"

Jumping a little she almost forgot that Flynn is with her, he is giving her a lift from her house and She then shake her head and smile softly to him. He sigh as he place his hand on her shoulder and squeeze them with comfort.

Soon as they entered the house, Coreen smelled a delicious aroma from the kitchen and her stomach rumbled. She close her eyes from embarassment as she heard him chuckle.

A handsome man walk out from the kitchen room and smiling at them. The man is as tall as Flynn though Flynn is much taller maybe an inch, those deep blue eyes of him is warm though it is kind of ethereal. He look at her with a smile on his face and introduce himself as Flynn's brother and embrace her warmly. The thing she learned from Flynn's family, they are all big huggers.

"I can see my future sister now huh" teasingly look at Flynn

"Misha" Flynn rub his neck as he push his brother roughly.

Coreen couldn't hold her amusement for Misha is being a typical brother who teases their younger sibling and laugh as Flynn push Misha back to the kitchen and force him to prepare the table. Scratching his head he then ushers her to their living room and there she notice a cute and fluffy cat sitting on the couch. She is so white with violet eyes, so pretty and fluffy. Soon the cat meowed as it stands and jump off from the couch. It meowed again and circling her left feet then purrs.

"I have never seen Conchita is being friendly towards a stranger"

"Conchita?" She rub her hand to the feline's ear "how come I didn't seen her when I came here a few weeks ago?"

"Conchita loves to stay in her little room and kind of lazy so, she stayed there waiting for me to feed her" he grab Conchita and held her in front of her face "She's outside from her little palace whenever my brother is here, she loves playing with him and believe it or not , that hulk loves this little feline" he nuzzles his nose to the cat's head.

The cat purred as she touch his face with her big paws. Clearly the cat adores her owner as it nuzzle's her face to Flynn's chest and Coreen is kind of jealous, she wants to nuzzle her face to his chest. Shaking her head she reprimanded herself for thinking like that.

Watching the city lights from his balcony she's thinking of what Misha told her about the possible situation happen for the case and assured her that every thing will be fine. Cory couldn't think how to return Flyn's kindness, for all this effort, if they can ask her personally she will let go of the case and leave them alone but Flynn is so adamant to fight her reputation and dignity. Seems that Vanessa wants to send her to prison however thanks to Misha he was able to defend her and ask the woman of why sending his client to prison when her husband should be the one to be in prison and she didn't file a case towards her husband which is not fair. It is seem that Vanessa believe of what Lucas told her and she forgives him then. That bastard even say that he was seduce by her and told her that he has a wife already and still pursue him. Coreen couldn't help her anger boiling inside and she really really want to hit that man in the face. Glad that Flynn was there to hold her hand and squeeze them, sure that made her calm .

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