Coffee Break

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Coffee Break
Part 2
Eat. Love. Pray

Naomie watch the couples across from her table canoodling and giggling as they wrap each other's arms. The envy feeling creeps in her brain, as she vision herself to be in a woman's place and the man is Steve. Shaking her head as she tries to clean her thought, no she must stop dreaming about him, he has a wife or not but still.

Taking the last portion of her chicken roll she then leaves the place. Feeling uncomfortable seeing couples being so sweet and happy made her a little envious. She never had a boyfriend and being too focus for her career and for her ambition,;she never had experience dating. She may went to some dating sights or went to a blind date but still they don't look appealing as what her friends told her so.

She heard so much good things about love, as she heard it made you inspired and depended to that person as if you value their opinion than anyone. She'd seen so many people get crazy in love and seen worse about love.

Naomie got a little bit apprehensive of falling in love and used to be alone. She tried dating before and it was quite alright the problem is just she is too much afraid of getting attach that made her almost relationship stop. Commitment is her enemy here, she is open to the idea of depending someone but for being alone for almost ten years brought something in her conclusion that she can live alone. Though sometimes she can't hold the feeling of watching those lovers sharing sweet nothings or her friends talks about their other half brought an envy feeling towards them. She blames herself most of the time nevertheless she copes them by working hard and thinks about the future. Be successful in life sounds more appealing to her right now but there is this empty space that made her incomplete.

She has the career, the money and the house that most of the people in her age are still dreaming to get. Naomie might be succesful into almost everything but love wasn't one of them, though she keeps on telling of herself that she can live alone, have cats in the house and plotting a year where she thought of having a sperm donor to make her pregnant, for at least she lives with a child with her.

Everything change when she met Steve and  it brought a giddy feeling to her like she was a teenager meeting her crush on the hall way. She likes those inky black eyes looking at her with a mischevious glint that made her thought of his bad boy persona. She gets attracted to bad boys for they are the real ones and they loves purely or that's what she reads on books.

Smiling as she sips her coffee while she walks on the sidewalk. Not sensing someone was standing in front her, she ooff and almost drop her coffee on the floor. Hearing someone hissing as she accidentally spill her coffee to the person in front of her.

"Oh my God! I am sorry" rubbing off the stain from his white shirt, it snugs in his well define chest that brought her cheeks red.

"It's alright" a baritone voice that brought shiver down her spine as she recognize that voice before "what a pleasant surprise Doctor Grey"


The handsome man grins as he look at her with amusement in his eyes. God! He will be the death of her, he is so handsome and oozing with sex appeal. His long hair is in a messy bun and his tall sexy self standing in front of her as if God is answering her prayers to have this human Adonis in front of her.

"I am very sorry for spilling the coffee in your... formal shirt" looking at those chest brought a fluster feeling inside and the more she stare at it the more she felt a little hot. "Probably you are going for a job interview? "

"Just done that job" he said with a little amusement as if he is saying a secret joke that only he knows, there is a glint in his eyes that he is making fun of her.

"Ohhh" a little bit offended by his secretive demeanor.

"We should move" gently grabbing her hand "people are staring at us, on why the hell we didn't move and block their way"

Giggling even though she is a little mad as she followed him walk through the nearest park and sitting one of the bench. She watch him sitting beside her. Seeing  with those fitting polo shirt that accentuated his muscles and those long legs that she admire so much that made her feel small and a little bit dominated by him.

"I am very sorry for ruining your shirt"

"It's alright"


She never had a long conversation with him and it is getting awkward, though she still feels comfortable with him. Steve has this aura that made you feel safe and comfortable no matter how awkward the situation maybe. Noamie couldn't stop the erratic beat of her heart as she stares at his handsome face.


Steve almost smile as he notice her staring at him. No matter how she tries to look as if she looks the other way as if nothing happen but still he can feel her staring at him. She really is amusing and very witty that made him admire her most. He waited until she speaks and gets comfortable with him when he is near her, he can still feel her  awkwardness and intimidated. 

There is something about her that interest him, her confidence and her dominant stature brought a challenge in him. Although her dominant aura intimidate him so, he tries to penetrate her invisible wall  that she clearly created and he wants to know her more. When she feels intimidated by him in which he supposed to be the one who feel a little by her dominating aura but though she is unpenetratable, she still ooze with comfort that he takes the opportunity on to get to know her more.

It brought a smile to his lips when she said those silly things she's talking, on about compromising his work and clearly she doesn't have the single idea that he owns the place. It is a habit of him to work and help his staff. He never forgets in his father's advise to not forget from his past and be humble even if you are successful in life.


A little startled he watch her beautiful amber eyes as she look at him expectantly as if he is convicting her something, that brought a smile in his face. He then clears his throat knowing her question.

"Well...uh.. I never seen you looking like that without your scrubs and lab coat Doctor N--"

"Naomie, call me Naomie" smiling "is that the reason why you are dragging me here?"

"Oh no.. I mean.. if you don't have plans for today" rubbing his neck as if he is back in his teenage years asking his crush for a date "would you like to spend the day with me?"

"Oh" seeing her hesitant eyes

"It's okay if you can't... I won't force you"

"Oh no" waving her hands as if she wants to erase his thoughts "that is not what i mean, I mean I would love to"


Grinning he then grab her hand as he then gently drag her towards the train station. Thinking to a place where he knew so well that surely  she enjoy. After all there is a childish side in every adults life. He will bring her to his favorite place and let her experience the adventure of a lifetime.

To be continued...


Moaning as she watch those big hands roaming around her body and squeezing those soft breast that she thought so erotically. Sensing his excitement she then kissed him hard and pumping his hard cock that she fantasize.

Naomie couldn't take it anymore, she is wet as fuck and she want some actions. Slowly guiding her hand towards her hot and wet center and plunge her two fingers inside her hot pussy as she pump them while moaning. She feels so much wrong but it seems so right to do this. After all she is only a human and she is willing to fall for hell if this feels so much good.

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