The Mistress

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The Mistress
Part 8

Watching the kids play the xbox Coreen sigh for the third time, she is getting bored and it is been a week already. Missy told her to lay low but she was born to work and she is getting bored each day doing nothing.

She never watch the television since the day it was reported that she had an affair to a married man. People judge easily than to listen each other's side and she couldn't help it but to cry. Haters keeps on dissing her and she is glad to her fans who keep on defending her, since Shara made a statement that she's an innocent party. Some might believe it and some didn't, well you can't please everybody.

During the whole week, Flynn visited her twice in her house and she was glad to see him. He is being thoughtful telling her that this saturday his older brother wants to see her to talk about the legal actions. Though Shara told her that she already get a lawyer for her, however once she heard about Pearson she then clap her hands and told her she got the right man to defend her. Apparently Misha Pearson is a well known and respected lawyer. He is known to be ruthless and cunning even for his very young age. He is only twenty three when he became a persecutor and a fiscal at the age of twenty five and now he is thirty he has his law firm industry and he handles good and hard cases.

"Misha might be crazy sometimes but he is good" he chuckles "he is quite a handful."

"I can say that you admire your brother, Flynn"

"I am, he is being good to me and a responsible one since our father retires and had a stroke."

Coreen watch him narrates his life with his parents. She learn that they are more than meets the eye, she vision them as the most strict and bored people but they are not. Once she met his mom and she is very kind and so nice to talk to. She couldn't forget the smile and the welcoming feeling when Mrs. Pearson invited her for a tea party this saturday.

Missy drop the last fruit she bought this afternoon and watch her sister prepares the dinner. There must be something happening to her, she seems a little vibrant today and the way she hum as she cut the meat into cubes. Shaking her head as she remembers her sister met Flynn's mother, though accidentally because she brought food to the young doctor and it happens that his mom was there.

"You are a little hype this day huh?" Teasing her

"No I'm not"

"Is it about this cute doctor Flynn visiting you last time?"

"Who is the cute doctor you are talking to Missy" Sam just get inside the house playfully glaring at her "your sister is right Cory, you are a little vibrant.... kind of inspired know what I mean."

"We are friends and besides he just came here to talk about me meeting his brother"

"Okay keep on saying excuse darling"

Coreen grunts as she glared her sister and ignore them. She cooks the food and didn't reoly to what Missy is asking her she is a little mad of her teasing, though deep inside her heart, she is started to like him though. Even if she tried to tell herself that they are just friends and nothing else but her heart beats fast whenever he is around. Shaking her head she must focus her time to heal and to love herself more, more of a soul searching. She is used to looking up for someone to like or love her, pleasing everybody so no one dislikes her, though she learned little by little to stand up on her own and let them be the one to accept her of who she is.


Later that night she watch the sky full of stars, her scandal still a hot issue to the media and she wanted a peacefull life. It is been two days before the press knew where she is hiding and they started to keep bugging them in the house. Glad that Sam is being professional while asking them to leave or they will take it to a legal action of disturbing them and their neighbors. Coreen ia glad to have them and she is thankful that she has a wonderful family.

Some of the company takes her scandal as a bad reputation but some take it as positive? Many companies wants her to be part of their new line of clothes campaign since she is now popular and most search person in google. They wanted her to be the new endorser of their new product and Shara started to consider the proposal.

Coreen wants to be isolated but Shara was right if she is not guilty then she must face the world because she has nothing to hide. She must speak to her manager one of these days and accept the endorsement proposal from Penshoppe.


"Yes Missy come in"

"I heard that you might start to work next week?"

"Yes sis" sighing she fiddles her blanket

"Sure that you are okay now to face the camera?"

"I was born in the lime light sis and plus I have nothing to be afraid of"

"That's the word that I would love to hear, You got it girl, I know you can do it"

She smile a little as she place her hand on Missy's shoulder. Couldn't take the overwhelming feeling she cried and wrap her arms around her body. Missy pat her shoulder as she listens to her sister thanking her for being there and for always trusting her.

Flynn read the counter affidavit against Vanessa Devone, though they have their evidence of her husband having an affair, he is sure that his brother knows how to win the case. Misha will not accept a failure and he got his stubborness from their father.

"Still reading the case Flynn?"


"I have options to make their evidence void and fake, besides we can make them withdraw their case if things gets worse" sipping his coffee

"You shouldn't drink coffee in the middle of the night Misha, you need rest or probably you will work the whole night are you?"

"Bingo! Going to work this case and I know Lloyd, their lawyer, you know how of an excuse of a lawyer they have. He is my student, still practicing his job and I bet when he knew it was me against him, he will pee in his pants. " he groans "Lloyd is a nice kid though he shouldn't accept this kind of cases, too hard for him. He should practice through small cases. Should talk to that kid and sharpen his skills when he works in my firm" he then place his cup of coffee on the table "that kid has the potential"

"You are a sadist" he tsk "I heard that you make your apprentice cried twice because you bruttaly made him argue with you for a topic of arson" shaking his head "to think that is just a simple case."

"They should be greatful, I made them think twice why they pursue this career"

"Crazy older brother" shaking his head as he stood up "I better sleep now, you will stay here for months right?"

"Yes dear" he tease "love to see your cutie girlfriend, she's coming here tomorrow right?"

"She's not my girlfriend" he mumbles as he close the door gently . Not missing his brother shouting him for being in denial and laugh as he heard him groans. Misha will be a pain in the ass for this months though he missed him so much, his brother is the only person he look up to. Smiling he then walk insidr his room and prepares to sleep.

To be continued ......

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