The Mistress

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The Mistress
Part 7
Wolves without teeth

Flinching as she felt the cotton press against her open wound, Coreen then grip the handkerchief that Flynn is giving her. He never said a word and that makes her a little apprehensive. Probably he is disgusted with her and just bare with it because she is a patient-well a choosen patient after he told the nurses to back off- not by her choice.

"I am fine now" she gently remove his hand "I have to go home now"

"Wounds can be healed" he look at her with those colbat blue eyes still void of emotion "Coreen-"

"Stop looking at me like that!" She push him hard though he didn't move even an inch "looking at me as if I am the most unfortunate soul in this world, I don't want your pity"

"You are wrong"

"What do you mean?" She narrowed her eyes " don't deny it-"

"You don't know how hard it can be to control my anger from that man who made you like this" gripping the scissors tightly "It is been three years to manage my anger but now I am trying to to control it. I am trying not to wring his neck and cut off his life thinking that he made you this"

"Lucas didn't do this it is her lunatic wife-"

"Don't cover him up, he is the root of it. He is playing with you"

"Then I must be idiot" she cried wrapping her arms around her body

"You are just in love when you can do stupid things"

A soft knock interrupted them as Zara walk inside with the result of her x-ray scan. Flynn accepts the folder and read the result. Zara smile at her and soon close the door quietly. She watch him silently and those eyes showing with no emotion really bothers her. She is used of his eyes expressive and warm but not this cold and calculative, somehow it made her scared and intimidated even.

"Good thing you are cleared from any brain damage." He place the folder on his table "let's go"


Didn't explain where they are going he just drag her outside the office and out of the hospital. They stop on a silver jaguar parked near the little cafe of the hospital. Flynn opens the door and usher her inside and walk to the driver's seat.

"Where are we going Flynn?"

He shook his head as he smile at her for the first time and that put her at ease. She then smile at him as she watch him drove through the hi way.
Looking through the city lights amuse her somehow, forgetting the most terrifying event happen in her life. Thinking about it brought another fresh tears on her eyes and sniff as she wipe them off. Coreen's lips quiver as she fight not to cry loudly as she keep shutting her eyes. She even turn off her mobile phone as she notice her manager called thrice in a row and she bet she wants an answer of the scandal.

Flynn stops in front of his house and open his door. Stepping out he then opens the passenger door and watch Coreen staring at him with questioning gaze. He place his hand on her small back and usher her inside, without saying a word he opens the door and let her in.

"Need to call some chinese take outs or you want pizza?"

"I am confuse.... why are you bringing me here Flynn?"

"Chinese then" he nodded and call the dispatcher.

"Flynn all I want is to go home and be alone"

"You" he sigh "need someone Coreen" he then put his hands on her shoulder."you haven't let it all out yet"

"That is why I want to be alone"

"Make me as your human punching bag" he stand straight "let it all out. I know that you wanted to let all it out your anger, disappointments and regrets"

"Doesn't mean you are a doctor you know how I felt!" She push him on his chest. " you think you can do anything you want? Just because I talk to you doesn't mean you can do whatever you fucking want?!"

"Okay I think I went overboard but if that is the only way to let you letting off steam then so be it"

"You are so fucking kind to me!" She cried as she grip his front shirt.

She keeps on pounding her small fist on his chest as she keeps cussing him, asking how in the world she got into this situation. For how many times she is getting suspicious but still keep on going like an idiot. As she let it off the steam she then apologize to him and keeps on crying.

She felt him wrap his arm around her and listen to him instruct the delivery boy where to put the food. He rub his large hand on her back and keeps on listening her rant. Why is he being so kind to her?

"You scare me.... you made me think that you are disgusted of me" she sniff

"Why would I be disgusted of you?"

"I assume"

"Crazy girl" he laugh " come on let's eat."

Coreen sniff as she watch Flynn opens the food cap and handed it to her. He is so kind to her and she though how lucky will be his girlfriend. Shooking her head of that kind of idea she then eats silently as he talks about having a lawyer to fight for her rights and to introduce her to his older brother who happens to be a lawyer. Oh Flynn, you made my heart melt, she thought.

Missy stared at her sister very carefully like she is expecting her to lash out with anger but she didn't. It is been two days she found out what happened and she couldn't explain her anger towards that bastard Lucas. She is thankful that Flynn was there to console her.

"I am glad that Doctor Flynn is with you"

"I am ashame of myself and I couldn't look straight in his eyes." She groans.

"It is normal though" she gently squeeze her hand "I am sorry I wasn't there to comfort you"

"It's okay sis, I know you are kind of busy with the kids" she sigh

"You can stay at home to lay low" she sip her drink "after all it helps staying you at home, coz the media won't stop bugging you"

"Shara, takes care of everything, after all I am not the first model to have a scandal ya know"

Hopefully everything will be okay, for all the times she console herself she couldn't stop of being in doubt. After all it is human nature to gossip and she is not an ordinary person to not to talk about it. Coreen just hope to God that this is just a challenge that will change her for the better, be a better person than she is before, after all she is still young and can do reckless things. One thing that she learn though, not to give all, when you fall in love especially in this industry every male wants to get you as their trophy girlfriends. So hard to put trust to someone and thinking they will never hurt you but they did. She must learn to play the game this time.

To be Continued....

A/N: oh Coreen don't close the door yet.... you will have the right man for you, you have to wait and you might be surprise. Heheehe.... I hope you like this chapter guys, I notice that I am more into drama huh? Hahaha.... Vote and Comment love to hear from you lovelies. Thank you! 😁😀😊😍

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