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Part 10
The Truth

Lady Lucille watch Eon strolling around the garden with gloomy expression, maybe he had a rift with the young lady again. She smile at the thought of putting her plans into action and made her way towards the duke.

The Duke notice her aproaching he then nod his head as he stop walking, waiting for her to come near.

"Good day my lord"

"Good day my lady"

"I see that you look trouble? Perhaps a certain young lady maybe the reason of your gloomy atmosphere?"

"What are you up to Lucille?"

"Oh.... don't be hostile my lord, perhaps I just know something that you might not yet know from your fling"

"My Asya is not a fling Lucille"

"You should know that woman has an ugly past. She is the mistress of you late uncle, Eon"

Lucille couldn't help but grin as she watch the duke narrowed his eyes as he found out that Asya is the mistress of his late uncle. Soon you will be mine again my love she thought as she watch the duke grows stiff.


Asya watch the birds chirp as she sat one of the bench near the stable. She look at Dave looking at her sheepishly. She just found out that Dave and Marissa had an affair behind her back, she walk in on them when she decided to tell Dave that she will let him go. They were laying on his bed tangled naked and Asya already knew that they are having a relationship.

Dave clears his throat as he watch Asya from the corner of his eyes, feeling guilty of what he did. Marissa stayed in the room couldn't look at Asya's eyes, Marissa is shy in nature and she felt so much guilty when Asya found out.

"My love-"

"Don't call me that Dave" she said softly "Marissa might upset, beside I am glad that you found your happiness"

"You are not mad at me"

"Why would I be mad?" She sigh deeply "probably you know the things between me and the duke"

"I can see that he loves you so much, Asya he can make you happy" he watch her as she smile shyly "Are you happy?" He may ask a stupid question but he want to know that she is happy, Asya is his best friend and he wants her to be happy. Dave laugh as he watch Asya grin at him and that put him at ease finally, his Asya found the man meant for her.

"I am happy for you Bean sprout" he tease her with her childhood nickname.

"Hey! I am a little taller than before you drag queen" she giggles as she look at Dave frowning, remembering the time when he had a bowl cut and call him drag queen.

Lucille grits her teeth with so much anger. She really hate that woman for stealing her duke. She wanted to strangle her to death if only she could do it.

She was so embarassed as the duke laugh at her telling her that he already knows. Apparently the young lady told the duke about her past and she was surprised that duke still accepted her.

Never she thought that the duke will go for a woman like that, he is known for being picky nevertheless she did'nt expect the duke to be a saint, he is far from that. Even in their time Eon is a dominating male, surely he will showers you with gifts and nice trips outside the country but he will give you less freedom when he needs you for pleasure you should always be ready for him. Lucille never regret their time, the duke knows how to please a woman.

Giving a long sigh she made her way towards her quarter formulating another plan to get her man back.

Asya watch the duke preparing her some tea as they sat one of Lady Soon's tea garden. They didn't talk and only gesturing themselves for a nice warm tea session. Her heart expands knowing that he love her enough to not be swayed by her ugly past. He even told her to hell with her past as long as she is with him now. She even cried hard and told him,what she had done to deserve him; the duke even chuckle.

"Dave finally admits to me honestly that he and Marissa are together long before we came here" she watch him frown knowing that he doesn't like that she is talking to Dave or any man in particular,such a jealous duke.

"Good" he handed her tea.

"He told me that if I am happy then he is happy"

"Very nice of him" with a bitterness in his tone

"You are jealous" she laugh "you know that I don't hold anymore feelings towards him but friendship, my love"

"I am not jealous" he puff as he pouted his lips.

"You look cute when you're brooding"

"Stop saying I am cute, you hurt my masculinity" he glared at her playfully.

"You are such a baby sometimes" she chuckles as she takes a sip on her tea.

All afternoon they talk about random things as they enjoyed their company together. Soon after the duke escort the young lady towards her room and bid her a sweet dreams. The young lady pout as he ignores her plea to let him stay but the duke tease her to not touch her unless she begs.

The duke wanted to show her that he didn't go after her just for body pleasure. He wants to take all about her bad or good, her perfection or flaws everything about her he will take it and take it and he will give everything that he has.

He chuckles when he saw her pouting as she made her way towards her room. He then peck her nose as he leaves her and made his way to his bedroom. Before he enters he knew that someone's already inside.

Lady Lucille look at him as she sprawled from his bed wearing nothing but her night gown, wanting to seduce him. She's been successful before, that is why she is the longest mistress that he has. She smirk as she watch the duke staring at her form with warm in his eyes that made her lower region stirr with anticipation.

"You've gone so long my duke"

"What are you doing Lucille?"

"Giving what you want and I know you can't deny this body of mine"


"But my duke-" surprise by his sudden rejection.

The duke sighed deeply as he grab his robe and his book and went outside his room leaving the fuming Lady.


Asya narrows her eyes as she watch the duke settled his things on her table. She never expect him to succumb to her wishes,however something was off the duke is seething.

"Is there something wrong my love? "

"Lucille went to my room awhile ago" he mutters, he can sense the change of her mood when she heard him saying Lucille's name. He told her about his past, all of his ugly past and didn't expect her acceptance.

His heart warms as he watch the woman that he loves with all of his heart, smirking at her as she frown. Wanting to tease her he then move towards her rigid form.

"And she wanted to have her ways with me which I denied."


He then wrap his arms around her beautiful body. Smelling her unique scent, she really smells good. Never will he let her go, she's taking the remaining part of his broken heart. Asya is home the only place that he wanted to stay. She's the one and soon he will introduce her to his family. Hoping that she is ready to meet them and he knows already that they will love her.

To be Continued....

A/N: thank you so much for reading!!! I love you guys! Next part might be the last. Hehehehe...

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