Hostage 2

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Hostage part 2

A friendly reminder readers below 16 please this is adult/mature theme, don't want to taint your mind but if you want to then read at risk!

Enjoy! Xoxo


Lucy walk along with Kassy as they made their way towards the student's council. Kassandra Armstrong is the president of the student council. No wonder that she's so welcoming and nice. Kassy even showed her their office and they stayed currently the council office.

Lucy is thankful for her new friend, Nikos was about to drag her somewhere but Kassy is so adamant to bring her to their office. She couldn't help to look at his sour face when her new friend scold him like a five year old kid.

"Hey! Lucy"


"I almost forgot to tell you" she smile at her "meet our vice-president Leo Wilson"

She didn't notice him a while ago or maybe she's daydreaming again. Lucy stare at the man in front of her, he is tall, with brownish curly hair and his eyes is shaded grey, in short he is handsome. She's into his eyes, so beautiful and so intense. He smile at her as he extend his hands to her.

A little bit scared to even touch a man's hands, but something in Leo that she's comfortable to him. She extend her hand and shake a little.

"Nice meeting you Lucy " he extend his arms "And welcome to our humble office" he grin

"T-thanks" she couldn't help but grin at him.

Lucy enjoy her time with Kassy and Leo, they are funny and warm. Kassy wants her to join their talk and the way she laugh so loud, Lucy couldn't help but starting to like the school and the student body members. A few minutes the rest of the members welcomes Lucy eventhough she's so wary when it comes with men. She's glad that they are so understanding and nice.


"Welcome home Lady Lucy" Alex bow a little to her and Marissa- her personal maid- grab her things and walk towards her room.

"How's your first day, my lady?"

"It was nice Alex, I met new friends" she giggled "Oh, please I am full and I will not join dinner."

Alex watch his ladyship as she cheerfully talks with Marissa, he is a little relieved to see her eyes warm. He is a little worried this past few days, she's aloof and the fear in her eyes made Alex wonder what happened. He also notice that the young master went home early everyday, although it's a good thing but its kinda suspicious. He huff and shook his head, he should stay out from his young master's business, he would not be called evil incarnate for nothing, is he?

Nikos watch his prey prancing her way to their gardens, such luck you have Lucy, that bitch Kassandra took you away from me, I just want you get acquianted with my dick to that janitor's closet. He thought darkly oh well. He walks closer to the garden and moves behind her as she picks some white rose.


He almost laugh when she jumps. Nikos didn't give her some space as he move closer and grind his crotch to her wonderful plump ass. She's so perfect. For a sixteen years old, she has the body of a goddess. He bend over and kiss her neck.

"Wanna show you some flowers at the end part of the garden?"

"N-Nikos, no please" tears falling down her face

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