Unrequited Letters

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Not really smut but hey it's a thought I had

Steve's POV

He made me confused...

Each and every time I let myself be lost in his touch there was something hidden in the way he looked at me. The way he kissed me even..

Perhaps I was hoping he was, yet even after we're both well spent...he's so gentle. He looks at me with a somber glint in his eyes. Almost as if there was something he wanted to say. Or maybe he felt bad for essentially using my body.

There were a million things on my mind whenever he left. There was also the disappointment of hoping he'd stay longer one day...

So I wouldn't focus on how used I truly felt.

There were days I'd hoped I could just sit him down to talk to him, earnestly...a true heart to heart. Yet I'm scared of what I would hear. I'm scared to utter a word and instead I let him hypnotize me with his hands...his pleasurable movements made me shudder in anticipation. Sometimes I was ashamed of it all.

Yet still....It made me want more and more until I swam in the haze. Where I didn't care if he used me, as long as it were me that he was using...

And then the reality hits that he'll leave one day and I'd never find out what he thought all this time. Even if it's not what I wanted to hear, I just wanted to know if I helped...

A big part of me is sad to say that I grew to cherish the small moments we'd have, were our actions are just unfazed by the world around us. My heart beats heavily when I know it'll all be a memory.

And with time I'd forget to miss him.

But for now I'll just wait patiently for his touch once again...

'So here's for unspoken words, Herobrine...' I thought sadly as I gazed out the window.

'See you next time'

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