Small Update

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This isn't a chapter, or one-shot, sorry! Just kinda a filler on who I am and what not.

First off, I'm female- shocking? Not so much? Eh onto the next subject!

I'm 14 years old, now THAT must come as a shocker...right? Anyway I love watching Minecraft as you must know. So uh what else... My favorite shipping is Merome and Skylox, both of them are adorable and is it just me or does someone else think Merome is real?

Now I want to thank for the support! Thanks so much! I never expected this much love from Wattpad! I was on Fanfiction but let's not get into that...

So what else now? Uh, My favorite color is red... I love food, uh....

I guess that's it now! Ask me questions if you want, clearly up to you!

See you next time with the next smut!

*cough* *cough* SparkAnt *cough*

See ya later!

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