8: Family House

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Taehyung takes a deep breath and finally steps inside the huge mansion he once called home. The place still looks the same, beautiful and elegant. But the memories it holds for him are bitter and cruel. He doesn't want to think about them but he can't help it. This place has always been hell for him, well after he turned nine. Everything was fine until then. Until his mother was alive.

Taehyung sighs when he sees some familiar faces. Most of the people are from the business background and Taehyung asks himself what he's doing here again. Right. I'm here for Hoseok hyung. I'll just meet him and leave.

He starts making his way to the staircase. He doesn't want to be around so many people. He hopes to find his step brother in his room because he is not downstairs.

"Taehyung!" He turns around when he hears the familiar female voice that he doesn't like at all. "I'm so happy that you could come. After all it's your brother's big day." She flashes her fake smile. Taehyung tries his utter best not to snap at the woman.

"Good evening to you too, Mrs. Kim. I actually have a shoot scheduled so I'm afraid I can't talk to you for long. I just came to congratulate hyung and then I'd leave." He forces a smile.

"Is this the way you talk to your mother?" He hears his father's voice.

Fucking great.

"Father, I'm just a little b-busy." All the courage he had gathered vanishes.

"What are you busy with, huh? All you do is put on makeup and dance in front of people. It's equivalent to what those dancers at the bars do. How can you even be so proud of what you do?" His father says angrily. His words hurt Taehyung but he's also used to it. It's been years since he is shamed upon for his career and other things.

"But father, people appreciate what I do. Maybe you... you could also notice me once and ap-appreciate me." Taehyung says slowly, looking at the floor. He never once got appreciated by his family for what he does. Hoseok does appreciate him and encourages him but Hoseok is his step brother and his father is his real father.

"Appreciate you while all you do is whore around? Do you think I didn't see your picture in which you wore a skirt? How much more disgrace do you want to bring to our family? Is it not enough? Just look at your brother and look at yourself." His father spits, his eyes full of hatred.

"It's okay, Heechul. Don't spoil your mood today. It's a special evening for our son." His stepmother, Minji says. His father nods and starts walking away but Taehyung cannot take it anymore. He doesn't exactly hate Hoseok but he wants his father to appreciate him as well and tell him that he is proud of him too.

"Can't you talk to me nicely for once?" Taehyung says desperately looking at his father. Heechul turns around and stares at him.

"Is it so hard to say that "Taehyung you did well and I'm proud of you"? Even I worked so fucking hard to be where I am today. I haven't slept for nights straight so that I could work more on my music and dance. I didn't eat properly for days. Can't you just see my efforts? Hyung is hard working, I agree. But he is not the only one, father. I have struggled too. Way more than him." Taehyung says. He doesn't know where he gathered the courage to say all this to his father but he is glad he did.

"Look at him talking to you like that, Heechul. Did his mother not teach him how to talk to elders?" Minji says, clearly trying to provoke her husband.

"Please don't drag my mother in this." Taehyung says. He doesn't want someone as wicked as Minji talking about his dead mother.

"But she is right. Your mother failed to raise you properly." His father grits his teeth.

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