39: Angel

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"I'm sure you'll do that, Jungkook. That's your job." Taehyung sighs and looks at the ravenette right in his eyes. "But that's not the point. The point is, you left me without saying anything. You could have talked to me. We could have figured out a way together. But you chose to run away."

Taehyung rubs his eyes to prevent tears from falling. He looks at Jungkook who is staring at him with a 'sorry' expression. "And there's the Chaerin story too." Taehyung mumbles and looks away, not wanting the other to notice that he is jealous of his secretary.

"Angel, Chaerin was never in the picture." Jungkook says. Taehyung's heart starts beating quickly when he hears Jungkook call him angel. He blushes too. Oh how much he loves it when Jungkook calls him that.

"Then what was that in the painting room of Yo Jo?"

"I... I can't really tell you about Chaerin because that's obviously not my story to tell but it's nothing like you're thinking. I never liked her. I mean I love Chaerin and all but it's different from the way I felt about you. And it wasn't just about sex with you. It was a lot more than that. I loved you. A lot." I still do. Jungkook wants to say. Taehyung wants to ask a lot of questions about Chaerin as his curiosity peaks but he wants to respect the privacy. If Jungkook thinks it's not his story to tell, then it's definitely not.

"Alright then... why did you leave me without telling, huh? Do you have an explanation for that?"

"Actually, I do." Jungkook says. Taehyung waits for him to continue.

"So Namjoon hyung thought it wasn't a good idea for us to keep seeing each other because of the reasons you already know. I told him that I can't stay away from you because it was already too late for that but he just thought that it was an infatuation. He told me to get over it for the greater good.

Obviously, I rebelled but I did see a point in what he said. I even talked to Jin hyung about it and he told me not to take decisions for you."

"He was right." Taehyung says.

"I know." Jungkook sighs and closes his eyes for a few seconds. He then opens them and starts talking again. "Namjoon hyung was too worried for both of our reputations. You had just got out of a scandal and well... I was the future CEO. When I told him that I don't want to stay away from you, he told my parents, who thought that he was right.

So they thought that sending me away was the best option they had at that time. They sent me to Japan for my CEO training and even though I was mad at them, I knew this was a good opportunity for my career. And I also thought that maybe... we should reconsider our relationship because I didn't want you to get hurt or be hated by so many people.

I wanted to talk to you about this but I couldn't find the courage to do so. I somehow gathered the courage to talk to you though. I was going to talk to you the day you came to Cafe Yo Jo and saw me but... but everything went downhill when you saw me and Chaerin together. You misinterpreted the whole situation and didn't let me speak. I even came to the dorm to talk to you later but... but Jimin didn't let me. I don't know why. He must really hate me."

Jungkook finishes his side of the story and Taehyung is already crying by now. He curses himself for not giving Jungkook a chance to explain. He remembers coming back from the cafe and telling Jimin everything while crying in his embrace. He understands why Jimin must have not let Jungkook meet Taehyung. He was just trying to protect his best friend.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry." Taehyung whispers as he looks at Jungkook with wide, teary eyes.

"I'm sorry for not listening to you, Kookie. If I had, things wouldn't be so bad now." Taehyung sobs. Jungkook doesn't know if he should be happy because Taehyung called him Kookie or sad because he is crying.

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