33: The Guy in Hoodie

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"If we don't renew your contracts, this will be our last comeback. You guys know that, right?" Chanyeol says to the members of KX5 who are sitting on the floor of their practice room, gasping for air after their dance routine.

"I want to be with you all for a very long time. For the past ten years, we've been together and I can't imagine my life without you all." Jimin sighs.

"But I can't force my decision on you all plus our Taehyungie needs treatment first. That's the most important thing right now. So I understand." Jimin says and smiles at his best friend who smiles back.

"I will most probably renew the contract with the agency so if you guys want to get back together, you know where to find me." Yoongi says. Baekhyun and Chanyeol also say that they want to renew their contract which now leaves only Taehyung. Discussion about their contract has been so frequent for them these days.

"We know you want time, Tae, but think about your fans too. They love you so much. They'll miss you. Miss us. We've promised to stay with them for a long time." Baekhyun says.

"I don't know, hyung. I'll really miss you all a lot if I quit and that's why I'm a bit reluctant but I do need time for myself." Taehyung says with a sigh.

"Yeah, we understand." Baekhyun says.

"Then just take a break instead of quitting." Jimin suggests. Taehyung looks at him for a while and nods, "I might consider that but I'm not sure. I don't wanna think about it right now."

The members nod their heads, understanding their maknae. They spend the next one hour practicing again and just when they're about done, Namjoon rushes inside the practice room.

"What happened, Joonie hyung? Why are you in such a rush?" Jimin asks.

"Oh did you all hear the rumour that's been going around in the company?" The manager asks. The members shake their heads, wondering if it's about them.

"Just tell us already. Is it something we need to worry about?" Yoongi asks.

"Ummm... not exactly. I mean it's not related to you guys but to the company but since we're all a part of the company, it's basically our business too." Namjoon replies.

"Come on, hyung. I'm curious." Jimin whines.

"So BigHit Music and HYBE corporation will be getting restructured soon. Which means a lot of changes will happen in the positions of the people and working of the company." Namjoon says. All the members look at him with wide eyes.

"Why so suddenly?" Taehyung asks.

"Look it's just what I heard. But it will probably happen because CEO Lee and President Lee's son will be taking over the company soon. Restructuring does make sense." Namjoon says. The members nod their head. So a lot is going to happen in the upcoming days.


Taehyung enters Cafe Yo Jo along with Namjoon. The manager wanted to meet Seokjin who is now his boyfriend and he asked the idol to tag along because he doesn't want to leave him alone for a long time, not after knowing about his condition.

"I want to surprise Jin so let me just go to his cabin and meet him, okay? I'll be right back." Namjoon says to him. Taehyung nods and he keeps looking around. It's been months since he came here. He doesn't want to come here on a regular basis because this place has so many memories of Jungkook and him but sometimes he just craves Seokjin's food or Taehyun and Seonghwa's coffee so he just drops by.

Right now, the cafe is not so busy so he walks over to the coffee counter to meet Taehyun. The latter is talking to a waitress while Seonghwa is on the other end of the counter, talking to a customer.

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