Thirty Nine

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I think last week was my last week of puking everything I eat. Unfortunately, Tyler has been quite sick lately.

I seem to be munching on things while Tyler can't see any food. Not even his favorite soup that I usually make. I ate it up for him.

But he's also been having a lot of chills. He suddenly shakes in the middle of the night and his body is in extreme pain. I've learned to comfort him by wrapping my arm around him. I push aside the pain from my tender breasts and let him lay on them. Though there are times he forgets that I have an ongoing belly growing, and I have to move him a bit when he squishes my belly.

My belly now is protruding even more. Excitement rushes through me when I put on my regular clothes and she pops out now. Some coworkers have smiled at me and congratulated me. Though it slightly disappears when I put on big blouses or dresses.

Gail once noticed it and happily squealed when I took a seat at my desk. This made me jump and my eyes grew wide.

"Oh my god, Gail—"

"I'm sorry," she said with a wide smile. "I just saw that little one stick out a bit! I can't wait to feel those strong kicks! What do you think it'll be?"

Anna was in the room quietly making me tea. I cleared my throat and gestured at Gail to stay quiet for now. She immediately understood and Anna seemed to sense the silence. So she awkwardly cleared her throat and left my office.

"What's going on with her?" Gail said. "She's been so quiet lately."

"We had a conversation and it was pretty awkward. I don't know if I should tell you because it's something personal for her."

"She's sterile. She told me. Is that why she's like that with you?"

A hint of anger ran through her eyes and I quickly said, "Don't worry. I understand—"

"You don't bring your home to work."

"You literally bring your kids to work."

Gail laughed at this and said, "That's different! And you'll understand soon..." She gave me a wink before walking off.

But now, I definitely have to deal with Anna as we finish up the baby shower designs. She does a sad sigh and I look up from my notebook.

"You okay?" I say.

"I'm fine..."

She's still a bad liar.

"Are you sure?"

She shrugs and I sit back in my seat. "What's going on, Anna? I miss my friend. Now you're just acting like an intern."

"Shouldn't it be that way?"

"I don't like it that way."

Anna does another shrug and I let a smile stay on my lips. "You know what? Why don't you think about how you will tell me what's going on while you get me a Turkey Pesto panini from the cafe."

Anna does not waste any time. At least she got that message right because my stomach is begging for food after eating forty minutes ago. As I take a long drink of my water, I give Tyler a quick call. He answers at the fifth ring.

"Hello?" His voice is scratchy and hoarse when he answers.

"Oh, I'm sorry, baby. Did I wake you up?"

"Sorta but that's okay."

"How are you feeling, sweetheart? Does your body still hurt?"

"Yes," he tiredly says.

"Mmkay. I'll pass by the pharmacy to ask for a muscle pain reliever."

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