chapter 48

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Artemis's POV

I woke up from nightmares in a strange place. That has been a scary and annoying theme in my life lately. I just wanna go home my mom. The unfamiliar surroundings are not calming me from my nightmare.

As I scan the room I see Conner, everything is okay. Conner brought me somewhere to sleep. Everything is okay, I am safe. Singing that mantra to myself I croak out, "where are we?" My voice sounds hoarse and cracked.

Conner looked up from his book at me and gave a light smile, "my house, or well uh Mr
Kent's house. I've been staying here since the base got destroyed." That brought a grimace to my heart, wincing a bit at his words. I had forgotten about that little tidbit, Conner stayed at the cave.

As if sensing my dread he continues, "it's not been as bad as I thought, it's actually been pretty nice," smiling down at me. He pauses, "which reminds me, supper is almost done." Supper, what happened to the rest of my day!? I slept for that long!? I didn't tell any of them where I was going!

A weight was placed on my shoulder jolting me from my worries, "I talked to Robin earlier to make sure he knew, and to talk to him." He puts his hand on my other shoulder and gently lifts me up to standing.

Interested in what he has to say I ask "how's he doing?" The question pravoces a weird look from him, "what do you mean, you talk to him more than I do!?" Which is fair enough I will give the poor guy that.

"Yes, but I've been with you." As if it was the most obvious thing in the world, cause well it kinda was.

Finally putting the two pieces together in his head Conner hesitates "he's okay, a little shaky and quiet but wasn't melting down over the call." Those habits weren't to out of ordinary for Rob after all that's just his personality but something was still tugging at my heart. "Thank you," I whisper out.

Out the door we go to eat. Taking a seat at the kitchen table was weird. The whole house was there smiling and telling each other about their days as they ate. Eating the pasta in front of them as the conversation was bouncing around the room. It was so different than anything I had ever been apart of, making my stomach do backflips. A growing rabbit hole of doubt filled my head. My hands began to shake, and I sat on them so no one would notice.

I've known this feeling my whole life. I felt it when I started school. It was there when I first joined the team. When they all found out who my family was. It was there every time I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't belong here, and I'm not sure where I do. If there is even a place where I believe.

My cheeks feel wet and I realize the room is quiet. Looking up from my lap all three of them are looking at me. Their eyes tracing my face and faces scrunched. I can't take this, not bothering to say goodbye or find my shoes I run out of the house. Exiting, I find myself in a neighborhood I don't know,   on a street I don't know in a town I don't know.

None the less I keep going, pushing myself increasingly farther from the house. Just keep running away till I find myself somewhere in the heart of town with no shoes, no phone, and no clue where to go. I need to find a way to contact someone. Or at the very least a pair of shoes, maybe taking off in such a hurry wasn't a good ideas.

Walking into a random store, the bell rings out making the people in there look over at me. They look me up and down and some eyes stay glued to me as I walk up to the cashier and ask the boy in front of me if they have a phone I can borrow. Nodding the shaggy blonde mop on top of his head he gives me a little flip phone.

The phone was worn and cracked but I put in the number. Putting it up to my ear to listen. It rang and rang and rang a third time till they picked up. "Dick, I'm scared I need your help."

Hello loveliest I'm trying my best really I mean it. My schedule just decided that free time didn't exist I'll stay up late and still find things that need to be done that instant. Oh well you guys don't wanna hear me whine. Thank you all for reading I have you enjoyed it.

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