chapter 42

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Wally's POV

It was 2 in the morning and I couldn't sleep. Since Robin and Artemis had gone missing the team had been very split. We were always fighting and nothing was getting done.

Robin and Artemis seemed to be what held the group of us together and without them it's just one big mess. Conner hadn't stopped looking for them since they disappeared. He couldn't stop. It was like he felt guilty for them getting captured, which I understand. I felt the same. Even if I wouldn't have made a difference I wish it was me instead of them.

Although I wish it wasn't them I know it's probably for the best. The two of them were the best on the team, they could get out and save themselves. I had been holding onto that since they disappeared. That was the only thing keeping me sane.

My phone suddenly lit up and started ringing. The noise loudly breaking the dark silence. My immediate thought was to send it to voicemail but Bruce's name glowed on the screen. This could be them!

"Hello" I answer, hope plowed through my voice. There was more than I wanted there to be.

"Wally, they're back!" Bruce's voice hit me like a ton of bricks. They were back! Having the sudden urge to vomit, I sprang out of my bed to the bathroom. For waiting for this for so long I wasn't ready.

What if they hated me? What if they don't even remember me? What if they blame me? With all of the questions rattling around in my head I start to panic. Why can't I catch my breath!? I start to fan myself with my hand.

I shouldn't be worried about this, I should be getting there. What am I, a bad friend. How can I be worried about this when they are probably still scared and hurting!? Pull yourself together Wally! Just breathe! Stop panicking!

You know what to do Wally, just count down from 10, you can do it. 10....9 they'll probably never want to see me again, I'm so stupid. Why would they even want to see me after I let them down the way I did!? 10 ......9...8... getting finally down to one I begin to calm myself down. Taking one more shakey deep breath to try to relax. I find my sweatshirt still thrown over my chair hastily from earlier when I got home.

Quietly as possible, I step out of my room down the stairs. Even skipping the third one to prevent it from squeaking. Once I am down the stairs I right a quick note to my parents so they don't worry.

I went to the cave there was an advancement on the area of the two. I didn't want to wake you but I also didn't want you to worry about where I was. I'll be home as soon as possible. I love you guys thanks for understanding,

Guilt eats away at my stomach, but I have to push it down so I can go see the two. If I don't get to see them soon I may through up all over.

When I reach the batcave I step out of the tube. This is it, I'm here, there's no backing out now. I take as much time as possible to get up the stairs. There's no point in delaying this, they'll still hate me if I take five minutes verses ten!

All to soon I reach the door at the top of the stairs. Coming out from behind it I make my way out to the living room. When I see that neither of them are there I continue my search for the four of them. I check a few more rooms such as his office and a few of the other rooms before it dawned on me.

Stupid me! The kitchen, they probably need medical help, duh! Beating myself up about my dumbness I make my way through the halls to the kitchen. For a second I hesitate behind the threshold, after I go in there I'm not gonna have friends anymore, and I am not ready to leave them.

Taking the step I walk through to see the two. Artemis is laying wrapped almost completely in bandages and bruises. She is passed out on the island and Alfred is bringing in a blanket and pillow for as to not move anything. Then my eyes move to Dick, he is sitting in one of the talk chairs pulled up next to arty holding her hand, he doesn't look good either. Though I can tell art to the brunt of it.

"Hey Dick."

Hello my lovlies, wow I'm horrible at updating. I'm sorry you guys thank you all for sticking with this book. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I wanted to show how sometimes anxiety can make you think things that are complete ridiculous but you can't change what you're thinking cause I have that problem and I wanted to put that in here and show that it happens but it doesn't have to control you. I hope you're all doing well I love each and every one of you never forget that you are loved

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