Chapter 5

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Artemis's POV

It's still dark out when I wake. Dragging myself out of bed, I dress in a pair ripped black jeans, a green crop top. My leather jacket taken from the back of my chair. The gym bag I had prepacked, sprawled on my desk. Grabbing the bag, I rush downstairs. On the way out the door I go out without a peep, careful not to wake my mom. The nurse would be in to wake her soon.

It is a beautiful walk to the Gotham city gym. Not a lot of people are up to workout this early. This made it ok for me to train hard. I walk in and head straight for the tredmill.

Running at top speed for almost an hour, I notice Bruce Wayne and some teenage dude stairing at me. Bruce is bats so the only plausible explanation is the boy is his newest robin. Nobody else is in the gym so I purpose "what up bats?"
He glares at me per usual, taking a long breath "kid flash saw you escape yesterday, he's asking quiestions."
   I raise me my eyebrow and ask "so why does it matter?"
He stares at me like I'm dumb and so does bats junior. Bats sighs loudly and continues "because they don't know we have you shadowing them, and this is robin."

I say "hellooooo batttssss junior" dragging out the name "and it won't matter soon, GA is forcing me to join in a week anyway"
   I think i see the forming of a smile cross the old man's face, but it's quickly replaces with his regular blank face as he states "I know I told him to."
   I growl under my breath at the idiocy. Little boy wonder cackles from his side. Continuing on with my workout, my next stop is the weights. Batman is about to continue the conversation but a group of gym bros walks in halting the conversation. The boys join me in the weights section. Robin makes his way to the matts and starts doing flips and backbends and crap that would make me snap in half.

My work out continues for a few more hours till it's around noon. Making my way down the street, i enter subway. When I get my six-inch meatball sub I slip through the store exitting quickly.

As i walk home i imagine what it will be like to be on the young hero's team. It won't be the same as the arrow team. No safe space where no one feels left out. Sure sometimes Ollie has temper issues but who doesn't. When it comes down to it will do anything for you.

I arrive at my apartment and put the key in the hole. An aggravated mother is right there waiting for me. She yells at me "where have you been?!"
    "why do you care your barely act like my mom!" Now just as angry I match her aggression.

She sit back in her wheelchair, dumbfounded. The second it takes her to recover I storm past her to my room. With a huff I flop onto my bed. a buzz from my pocket, makes me pull my phone out of my back pocket and see that Felicity text me.

She will be coming over tomorrow, which always puts me in a good mood. Getting up, I walk over to the open window and lean out feeling the warm air and gentle breeze. As I look down the street I see a black haired girl in a red baseball cap.

I would know that hat anywhere, it belongs to Jade. How many times have I told her!? I yell down to her, " You're not welcome here, get away from us." She tilts her head up grins, god i hate that smile. The same smile she wore when she left when i was ten. Fake and yet still captivating.

She disappeared down the street, away from the house, away from my life, again. I can't loose her again, damnit. Grabbing my phone from my bed, I rush out through the window. With a look back into the room I make my way to the park.

I sit at the swings waiting for her to show up. Of course ten seconds later Jade is in the swing next to me with a stupid grin on her face. She says "look at you a little hero have fun while it lasts." then as fast as she fast appears she's gone.

They know. This is a warning for me. I needed to keep my head down. Why does everything have to be so complicated!?

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