#32 Killer x Ink

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Hello! I am back, finally. I'm so sorry that I've took so long. Also, I would like to thank my readers for not putting any pressure on me to update.

[Oneshots #31 (DS!Drueberry/requested) has been put on hold for now.]

Not requested, the endings a little rushed but this is a fairly long one.

Tw: Mentions of blood, Violence, Abduction


It was a tough day in the bad Sans' castle. Earlier the murder trio had gone on a killing spree through some of the aus, but had unfortunately run into Dream. That annoying ball of positively had shot a rain of magic arrows at them, and while Killer and Dust only got a few hits in unimportant areas, Horror got the bad end of the attack, so they had to retreat.

According to Error, the injuries Horror suffered weren't fatal, but the bandages that they had stored away for such situations had run out, somebody would have to go get more.

Killer was the one who volunteered for the job, and even though the rest of the gang was reluctant to send him due to his own injuries, he insisted, and prepared to go.

The problem with any of the bad guys trying to buy things from other aus, was that most of the time, the second they were spotted, they were either chased away by angry mobs or the star sanses were called on a false attack claim, and they'd be chased out them instead. So Killer would have to be extra careful when he went out. He decided to go to one of the nicer aus, which meant the chances of them calling for help were heightened, but taking it into their own hands were lowered. Another precaution he took was making sure it was one his group had left alone for a while.

Entering the au, he walked through snowdin town, so far only receiving a few not so pleasent looks from the townsfolk, and things were going pretty well. The shopkeeper was kind and it was seeming like this might be a peaceful trip. But unfortunately, some monster had to ruin that possibility. For when he stepped outside, he realised that while he was inside the shop, one of the townsfolk had called for help, and it had arrived.

Ink stood in the middle of Snowdin in one of his aus, looking around. Back in the doodle sphere, the second call of an attack in the day had come through to him. He had decided that since Dream handled the last one, he would take on this one himself. But, strangely enough, when he reached the au, there was no signs of an attack, or at least a little destruction anywhere. Not even one of the bad Sanses were anywhere to be seen.

At least, until he turned around. Killer was there, exiting the Snowdin shop. Ink was... confused. He didn't bother taking out his weapon, instead the two Sanses just stared at eachother. Something was off, usually if there was an attack, there would be more than one the other group there, unless it was one of the stronger members, which Killer wasn't. Ink was starting to wonder if this was some sort of trap, but then he looked down. He noticed what Killer was holding, bandages. And he also took note of the red stains in few patches of his clothes.

"You're hurt?" Ink said, cautiously walking towards him. Killer suprisingly didn't feel worried, he could tell that Ink had no intention of hurting him, though that doesn't mean he was the same.

"Yeah, no thanks to your stupid little group." He snarled, glaring at the smaller Sans, and taking note of the shocked expression. He quickly slipped the bandages into his pocket, thinking of ways he could take advantage of this situation. Although, there was nothing he could do with all these people around, so he started walking and to his luck, Ink followed.

"Dream did this? I thought his arrows magic made wounds clean up themselves after a short amount of time?" Ink wondered, thoroughly confused of why his friend's attacks would have a different effect from what he had been told about them.

"Hah, as if. Those annoying arrows have done more damage than you ever have to our group." He knew he was making Ink more vunerable with the things he was saying, and after leading them out deep into the woods, he could do anything at this point. And he had an idea... the group had been planning to take one of the star Sanses hostage, if he could pull this off then it would make the plan a lot easier for his gang, not to mention Ink would be the ideal hostage of the three.

"Oh dear, I'm going to need to have a talk with him when I get back." Ink stared down at the snow, unknowing of the fact that Killer was no longer standing infront of him. The gaurdian had let his gaurd down for too long.

He realised this as soon as he felt himself being dragged backwards, hitting something behind him. His head shot up to look, then something was pressed over his mouth and nose-hole. He figured out the thing his back was being pressed up against was Killer, and he tried with all his power to escape. But as he started to drift out of conciousness, he slowly started to give up. Now he knew he had been right from the start, this was a trap, and he had fallen right into it.

Killer kept the smaller skeleton tight in his hold until absolutely sure there was no way he was awake in the slightest. Strangely, he found himself liking the feeling of Ink being so close to him, but brushed it off as the satifaction of his plan being successful. He slung Ink over his shoulder, and after making sure the bandages were still safe in his pocket, made his way back home.

It was certainly a surprise to the rest of the group when he walked in, nobody had expected that he would be able to defeat and capture one of the star Sanses all on his own. They locked him in one of the extra rooms, and took away his broomy so that he couldn't escape.

Although, no matter how proud Killer was to have helped his group out, he also felt a little guilty. The bad sanses didn't take proper care of Ink, which made Killer feel bad. So, one day, he decided to pay Ink a visit, without any of the others knowing, and that little visit soon escalated.

He would go to Ink every day, it seemed like they had formed something of a bond. One of Killer's best talents was that he was sneaky, which helped him tremendously, as it meant he could take care of Ink without being caught. The things he did, he never would have done for anyone else, like feeding him, making sure he was never too cold, and just straight up keeping him company.

Eventually though, Ink was let go. The star Sanses finally gave into the demands of the bad guys to get him back. This made Killer worried, as he didn't know how often he would get to see Ink now. Being so far away from the smaller skeleton made him feel empty.

While his group was out causing chaos, he sat alone at home, when suddenly he heard a noise, coming from the next room over. He was confused, since nobody else should be there. So, grasping a knife tightly in his hand, the went into the other room.

When he entered, and saw who was in there, he felt like he was dreaming. It was Ink, and he looked much healthier than when he had left. It dawned on Killer that he had come specifically for him, as when the gaurdian saw him, he immediately hugged him tightly. Killer had never felt such strong emotions before, and as he hugged Ink, he decided, he never wanted him to go away again.

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