PT1 #11 Shattered x Killer

565 17 12

Requested by coke124.

Hope you enjoy. Since it's a two-shot, this is gonna be a little short.

WARNINGS: Yelling, crying, angry-tentacle-man, swearing, angst


it went like every other night...

Killer woke up from a horrifying nightmare, it sent chills through his bones. Gasping for air that he didn't actually need, he attempted to stifle the sound he was making as to not wake up his boyfriend. 

But of course, that failed. Shattered had woken up before Killer, feeling the negative emotions that were swarming through him thanks to the nightmare. And Shattered was angry. He couldn't understand why Killer didn't have dreams instead of nightmares. If he could control them, why couldn't Killer.

He sat up, glaring at the panicking skeleton. Killer had black tears streaming from his eye sockets, similar to the ones that were permanently running down. Thankfully, the tears were hidden by the darkness of the room. But Shattered's face of anger wasn't.

Killer flinched under the glare he was given, knowing exactly where this was going. And he hated it. 

"GOD, KILLER! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Shattered screamed at his small boyfriend, shattering his non-existent ear drums. "WHY DO YOU KEEP HAVING THESE NIGHTMARES? CAN'T YOU HAVE A FUCKING DREAM FOR ONCE?" More tears fell as Killer attempted to explain that mortals can't control what they see when they fall asleep, but is quickly cut off.

"AND YOU'RE ALWAYS WAKING ME UP AT UNHOLY HOURS! DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS EVERY NIGHT?!" Killer was sure that everyone in the entire multiverse could hear Shattered's yelling at this point. He felt ashamed, and upset, wishing that these nightmares would stop. Then he could have calm nights with Shattered, no yelling and no tears.

"P-please Shattered, listen t-to me-" He choked out through his sobs, but Shattered was having none of it, sick of the endless nightmares that Killer was having. he was angry, and probably wasn't thinking properly when he said;

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS. SINCE YOU WON'T STOP WITH THE NIGHTMARE'S, I'M LEAVING AND NOT COMING BACK UNTIL YOU GET THIS UNDER CONTROL" And with that, Shattered stormed out, leaving Killer sitting on their bed in shock.

Killer curled into a tight ball and started crying more. Not even trying to quiet himself. He cried out for Shattered, but his only response was silence, as the darkness around him seemed to close in. He felt trapped, like this was his own fault, and let his insecurities get to his head.

Somehow, he had managed to convince himself that Shattered didn't actually love him, and was never coming back. This only made Killer cry harder, and he eventually passed out from all the tears he had shed.

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