#20 Bad sans' & Ink poly

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ASmolBean12 requested this one.

It's kinda hard to write pure angst so I sprinkled in a little fluff to balance it out. Fluff part starts at the italics.

WARNINGS: Unsympathetic!Dream, blood mention, near-death, swearing
(ANGST + some fluff)

Ink was never very honest towards the other Star Sanses. He never told them anything personal about him, he never told them were he ran off to in the middle of the night, and he never told them that he was dating all of their enemies. That surely wouldn't go down well. He though he could hide it, they would never find out, but karma can be a bitch. Dream found out about his thing with the bad sanses, and he was not happy. Ink was honestly glad Blue wasn't there to see what was going on.

"Dream, please stop!" The guardian of positivity didn't bother listening to what Ink had to say, instead of doing what any rational 'good' person would do, he was attacking Ink. Since Ink was low on energy when he confronted him, he couldn't fight back.

"You're a traitor! You asshole!" He bashed his staff down, splitting a hole in Ink's skull and creating multiple damaging cracks. "Working with my brother... how could you!" It seemed like Dream had gotten the wrong idea, but there was nothing he could do to save himself from this onslaught on attacks. 

His energy was fading, he could almost feel himself start to dust. If Dream continued, he would die for sure. So, using every tiny ounce of energy he could, he rose to his feet and swung his paintbrush at Dream, successfully knocking him out. Now that he had some time to think rationally, Ink decided he needed to get to someone who could heal him before he lost consciousness. Right now, his best bet would be Science sans, since only Star sanses and direct versions of the original had healing magic.

It took a lot of magic just to teleport to ScienceTale and he was way off his target of Sci's lab, ending up in the outskirts of Snowden Town instead. He would have tried, if he could, to make it to the lab from there but his vision was fading, and seeing his own blood begin to stain the snow beneath him really wasn't helping. Falling, face first into the snow, Ink was sure these were his last moments as he closed his eyes and blocked out the cold world.

A random, unknown monster who found Ink's slowly dying body. Luckily he hadn't started to dust yet, so the monster rushed him to the best healers in the underground, the royal scientists.

Ink was surprised when he regained consciousness that he actually managed to survive. What really confused him was that he didn't wake up in the snow, instead he was in a very clean, white room on top of a bed. The best part was, all of his boyfriends were there. Horror noticed he was awake first, but didn't say anything, he was the quiet one after all. He grabbed the attention of the others by going over and hugging Ink and they all realised he was finally awake.

"Ink! Oh my Asgore do you know how worried we were about you?" Cross said quickly making his way to the side of the bed.

"Haven't a clue, how long has it been?"

"Just under... 6 days" A glitchy voice that could only belong to one person came from somewhere Ink couldn't see.

"Wow, that long? That's not good..."

"Yeah, what happened to you though? I didn't know there was anyone strong enough to almost kill you." Killer piped up, his optimistic tone out of place in the current environment.

"It was Dream... he found out about us but took it as I was working with you, against him..." Ink felt he chest well up at his thoughts, Dream had been one of his best friends and this was something he never thought would happen.

"I can't believe- my brother... I'll fucking kill him." Usually when Nightmare makes death threats, the other six would try calm him down and make sure he didn't go through with it, but this time not a single sans inside of that room wanted to stop him.

"Well... you'll get to leave in a few days, how about you come live with us, instead of those annoying Star Sanses, huh?" Dust spoke quietly, holding Ink's hand with care, The artist stared up for a few seconds, thinking it over.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

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