#19 Rasp x Blue x Black

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Raspberry x Blue x Blackberry.

This is 100% OOC, I know nothing about Swapfell/Fellswap. And my little sisters helped me with this.

Requested by _Galaxy_Girl_2000_


Blue stood by the smoking oven, frowning at the quickly growing dark smoke. He had been trying to cook something while his boyfriends slept but clearly it wasn't going well. Not wanting them to wake up from the smoke alarm that would surely be going off in a few seconds, he threw on the oven gloves and took the flaming food out. At least the oven itself didn't catch fire this time.

He threw the lump of flames in his hands into the sink and turned the tap on, letting the water flow down and destroy the fire. All that was left was a pile of burnt, black, and now wet inedible mess. Next he opened the window, letting the room air out. Then he turned back to the oven, staring at it almost sadly. No matter how much he tried he just couldn't cook anything right. 

Cleaning up the kitchen was his next priority, although he had to do it quietly because it was pretty late now and Razz and Black wouldn't like him to wake them up at such unholy hours. Getting rid of the burnt remains inside of the sink, and washing the supplies he used to make what could've been his best dish yet. Suddenly he felt someone hugging him from behind. He spun around, seeing that both of the other two had awoken, and were now staring at him with stern faces.

"What, are you doing up this late? Do you know what time it is?"

"You  should be in bed with us, why are you cleaning?" They took turns questioning Blue's antics. 

"I... was trying to get better at cooking..." He confessed, eye lights staring down at his feet.

"That is no excuse, how are you supposed to work at your full potential tomorrow without sleep. Let's go back to bed now." They both grabbed onto Blue's arms, and dragged him up to their shared room, then forced him into bed. And the night ended just like any other, with the three of them sleeping together.

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