PT2 #11 Shattered x Killer

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Still coke124's request.

Told you I'd get it done in about an hour- sorry if it's bad tho-


Shattered had stormed out of his and Killers house, with no idea of where he was going to go. What he really needed right now was to cool off from his anger, so he went and found a place where he could sit alone and think.

He thought about those things he had yelled, how many times he had interrupted Killer and also the tears, that he had ignored, streaming down his boyfriends face.

A small stab of guilt hit his body, but he told himself it was for the best. Killer couldn't keep having these nightmares, they were tearing the two of them apart.

Once Shattered felt calm enough, he went to talk to his 'friend', Ink. Ink was found after a few seconds of searching, staring blankly at a wall. Shattered started conversation and explained to Ink what had happened between him and Killer. Ink stared at Shattered after the explanation, frozen.

"You... do know that mortals can't control whether they have dreams or nightmares... Right?" Ink questioned, his left eyes twitching into a half-closed position. Shattered blinked, taking in that information. Mortals can't...? He hadn't known this! He thought everybody could control which of the two they saw.

Shattered got up quickly, the guilt eating away like worms to his soul. He ran off, leaving Ink to his wall, and went back to his house. He had really messed up this time. Dashing back into his house, he was greeted with silence, and he assumed the worst.

Remembering he had left the bedroom door open, he quickly rushed up there and went inside in a state of panic. There, he saw an unexpected sight. Killer wasn't hurt, thank Asgore for that. Instead, he was curled up on the bed, with fresh, but dry tears on his cheeks.

Shattered pulled Killer towards him, which woke him up, and started muttering apologies. He should have listened to Killer, but was too stupid. Killer listened to him say sorry over and over, then smiled. 

"I forgive you" He said, pressing a kiss to Shattered's teeth. The goop covered skeleton kissed back almost immediately, then promised he would never yell and leave like that ever again.

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