#37 Cross x Reaper

224 1 8

Requested by Pepsi248

My wifi is down and I live with selfish people so here's a double update...


Cross was having a day. It wasnt particularly good, it wasnt particularly bad. However, it was very murder filled. The murder trio, chaotic as they were, invited him for a guys day out in the AUs. They had to explain what a guys day was to Cross, and in short it was go around and piss off as many important people in the multiverse as they could without getting killed for it. At first, Cross wasnt interest, he much wouldve preferred staying home and reading a nice book in the library. However, when Killer listed off the people they considered to be important in the multiverse, they suddenly had his interest. One of he names on that list was a certain Sans by the name of Reaper, literally death himself, and Cross could not pass up an opportunity to see that hot piece of death, even if it meant assisting in pissing him off.

And hey, maybe he would actually have fun spending time with these guys, right?

Surprisingly, he did. He and the murder trio went on an au killing spree, which not only was great fun, but also pissed off multiple different people all at once, one of those being Reaper, who was not happy with all the extra work he was being given, nor was he happy with the lecture from life about the sudden rise in monster deaths.

The reaper worked with Ink to chase down the four muderous skeletons, trying to put a stop to their killing. It took them a while to catch up, and when they did the group had to quickly come up with a new plan to save their asses from getting double teamed by two of the strongest sanses they knew. The plan ended up being that the muder trio would intercept Ink, and take him away to do asgore knows what weird things, Cross didn't really want to find out, and he himself would be left to try and reason with death. If that didn't work, then their backup plan was to run away, but faster.

Cross did have to wonder why he was the one being left alone. Was it that they were close friends with eachother and he wasnt? Was it something the three of them had with Ink? Or perhaps did they know how he felt about death and had set this up for him? Unfortunately he didn't have time to find any answers, as two very upset skeletons caught up and cornered their little destructive group. Killer yelled something that went unheard to Cross as he just watched the other three rush towards Ink, they caught the artist off gaurd and managed to steal broomie from him. Both Ink and Reaper seemed shocked, the god of death unable to do or say anything, watching his ally be dragged away. Meanwhile, Cross was just wondering how such a stupid plan had worked, it had even seemed to stop Reaper from wanting to kill him.

"What... what are they going to do to him?" Death turned around to look at Cross now, his face straight but his tone showing he was worried about the wellbeing of his friend.

"...I think it's best if you try not to think about it-" Cross glanced away nervously as he tried to figure out what to say next. He really hoped those three didnt plan to do anything too bad to the artist, as he said;
"I'll make sure they... let him go later, you can probably check up on him."

The monochrome skeleton offered Reaper a smile of reassurance, that seemed to ease his concerns. Now he wasnt quite sure what to do, he thought about trying to find where those annoying skeletons had run off to, but something made him really want to stay with Cross.

"So uh... you doin' anything?" Cross blushed slightly and looked away as he asked, taking this as his opportunity to get closer to the Reaper, maybe even score a date if he was lucky, although he was convinced he was quite the opposite of lucky. "Like, right now I mean-?"

"Well I was a little busy trying to stop you lot from giving me extra work but... I guess I could let you tear me away from that work and take a break." Reaper shrugged and teleported his scythe away, grinning at Cross. The smaller of the two practically bounced with happiness, this was possibly the greatest moment in his entire life.
"Wanna get some Grillby's?"

"Sure, let's go." Cross followed the floating Reaper, at a relatively safe distance due to death touch and all that, to this au's Grillby. Most of the monsters in this world had been killed by their little session earlier, but the fire monster still remained serving burgers and fries to weird looking skeletons that just show up sometimes. The delicious meal of course completed by a ludicrous amount of ketchup, courtesy of the broken bottle lid.

Cross had never imagined a skeleton could look beautiful when laughing, but he couldn't stop staring every time one of his bad puns cracked Reaper up. He really felt that this monster was perfect, even if they couldn't touch each other for now, one day he would find a way.

"Well, I think that's all the time I have for today. I really should be getting back to work now..." Reaper stood up from the table. The two had ended up staying there a lot longer than they should've, just talking and having a good time together. Cross wasnt happy that it was ending so soon, so as death turned to leave, he blurted out;

"Let's go out again sometime-!" Reaper slowly turned back around and stared into his soul.

"Like... on a date?" He questioned. Cross nodded sheepishly, embarrassed at himself, but he felt better when the other smiled. "I'd love to. See ya tomorrow Cross."

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