#26 Horror x Geno

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Requested by maddiepaw

IIIIIIm so tired.

WARNING: Mention of large cut/gash, swearing.

A portal opening, footsteps and fairly quiet grumbling sounds distured Geno's slumber. The save screen wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep but even so, getting interrupted was not something he liked.

The footsteps drew closer, he sat up, not looking in the direction of whoever had entered. He knew exactly who it was, and exactly what he wantes.

Silence, the steps came to a halt. A soft thud of someone falling to their knees, then a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind. The one hugging him resumed his angry grumbling, turning it into incoherent mumbling, so Geno sat and waited until he was done.

*Cough* "You're in a bad mood today..." Geno spoke calmly. No reaction, he assumed the other had had a bad day, why else would he be here? He spun around slowly, making sure not to detach the arms from his body, and lifted the other into a more comfortable position.

"Horror..." Using one hand, he turned up his boyfriends head, and stared into his eye sockets... or just eye socket, since both of them only have one that functions.

He could see the emotions he was feeling through his eye light, anger, sadness, so he concluded that one of the bad sanses had done something to make him this way.

"...Did they hurt you in some way?" Horror pulled up his sleeve to reveal a gash, definitely caused by a small knife. Geno growled upon seeing it, quickly gathering up as mch magic as he could to heal him.

"Who did it?" Once again, Horror responded silently, shaking his head then burying his face into Geno's neck.

"Fine... you don't have to tell me for now. We can just snuggle in you want." The other made a small noise of happiness, tightly hugging him and sending them both falling down to the floor. Geno chuckled, "But later you have to tell me who did this so I can kick thier ass."

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