#13 Nightmare x Blue

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Decided to cancel that multiship book on my other account due to being unable to balance so many books at once. But anyway heres some nightberry  VIPER_SENPAI. Sorry for not updating for so long.

Me: Hey can you give me an idea for a story?
Sis: *insert plot of this story*
Me, when she's done: And then they fell!
Sis: What is wrong with you??


A perfect date, in the eyes of Blue, was something simple. Like doing puzzles, or going out for a meal or maybe even just sitting at home watching movies with his partner. That was the kind of thing he expected when the leader of the bad sanses asked him out. Something simple, or a trap. 

Before the day they had set up together, Blue thought himself as a fool for accepting to go somewhere alone with Nightmare, but now that he was actually there, he didn't regret it at all.

There was a lake, far beneath them. It was painted pink and yellow, reflecting the sunset that had slowly began to take over the summer sky. It was a beautiful sight. Blue stopped his admiring of the pretty water to look at the man beside him. A genuine smile had graced Nightmare's lips, something Blue had never seen before. But he definitely wanted to again, that smile was as gorgeous as the scenery around them.

Whats even more impressive, is where they are currently. Sitting at the top of a Ferris wheel, completely empty apart from the two of them. Blue hardly had to wonder how Nightmare had set this up, he was quite terrifying, would most likely be able to get anyone to do what he wants just by glaring at them.

No words were spoken between the two of them, none were needed though. Blue layed his head against Nightmares shoulder, while the other wrapped an arm around his waist. They watched the bright colours disappear from the sky and be replaced with the darkness of space, and the millions of stars that lit it up. Just like how this blue star lit up a dark heart.

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