#14 Error x Cross x Ink

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This ones requested by coke124. Is this another double update?


Cross stood in the ruins of a nearly destroyed world. Usually he wouldn't go out causing mayhem on his own but today he had something important he wanted to do. So what if Nightmare doesn't know what he's up to, if he doesn't know, he can't stop him.

He was getting impatient. Error had told him that destroying a universe was sure to bring Ink straight to him, so what was taking the stupid artist so long? A few more seconds passed, and Cross began getting rid of the remains of this world, hoping something would happen. And it did. No sooner than when he had killed the last living monster, Ink appeared before him. To Cross' advantage, Ink was facing the other way, so while he was distracted with viewing the chaos, Cross snuck up behind him and knocked him out.

Cross hummed quietly, picking up the unconscious sans, throwing him through a portal and into the home of all the bad sanses. He quickly finished up his work in the au then hopped through the portal himself. Luckily, he had opened the portal to the correct place, his room. He couldn't have any of the others finding out one of the star sanses was here.

Now, Cross wasn't stupid. He knew that when Ink woke up, he would immediately try to run away. Thats why he was extra careful to make sure the didn't happen. First, he put a magic blocker on Ink, just in case he woke up earlier than expected and tried to teleport out. Then was the ropes that he tied around Ink's arms and legs, this would prevent him from running away. Even if he wouldn't get that far in this place...

Cross sighed, he was honestly hoping Ink would have put up more of a fight. But oh well, less work for him. He placed Ink on his bed. The position he was in probably wasn't that comfortable but at least he wasn't on the floor. Now all Cross had to worry about was someone-

"Hey Cross, have you seen-?" -walking in... Just his luck. Error entered the room unexpectedly, cutting off whatever he was saying when he saw his enemy... tied up and unconscious... on Cross' bed. He almost looked shocked. His original question lost in the back of his mind, the only words he could make out were;

"What the fuck?" Cross began to sweat nervously, wondering how on earth he could explain this. Error looked out the doorway where he was standing, he must've seen someone coming because he slammed the room door in a hurry, then turned back to Cross.

Before any of them could say something, a groan came from the bed. Ink's eyes slowly blinked open, he squinted as he tried to figure out where he was. Error and Cross stared silently at him, neither having any idea what to do. Ink moved his head around, and saw the two bad sanses standing there, looking at him. His non-existent brain took a moment to process what he was seeing, the a flood of worry washed over him. He tried to move his arms and legs, but found them stuck. The other two went on high alert when Ink let out a shriek, Error dashing over and covering his mouth before someone came to investigate. Lucky for them, Nightmare was out god knows where at the moment But the other weren't, and everybody knew Killer was the biggest snitch in the multiverse.

Error then began to interrogate Cross, asking how and why Ink was tied up on his bed, still holding his hand over a now struggling Ink's mouth. Ink quickly realised that he couldn't get away and stopped trying to get out of his binds. But he wasn't accepting having a glitched hand muffling him, so while Error was distracted with Cross, he bit down as hard as he could.

A yelp of pain and a string of curses erupted from Error. He jumped back from Ink and crashed. The artist then shifted his gaze over to Cross, who flinched under his glare.

"Cross... let me go." He demanded quietly, understanding that he would probably be killed if he didn't keep his voice down. Cross felt a smirk dance of his face, he helped Error up off the floor since he had rebooted then responded to Ink.

"No, I think I'm gonna keep you here for a while." He glanced at Error, having silent communication with him through their eyes.

"I swear to Asgore, if you don't-" Ink was cut off.

"You want to watch a movie, Error?" Cross asked, gesturing to his TV.

"Yeah, that seems like a good idea." 

"Hey, don't ignore me!" The two bad sanses ignored Ink as Cross turned on the TV, then they both got onto the bed. Ink struggled as Cross pulled him onto his lap, then leaned against Error. Ink was basically laying across them both, he felt one of them untie his arms, but Cross had a hand over his waist so he couldn't really do anything. Before becoming entirely comfortable, Error wrapped his around the two other men. Then they were silent.

Ink sighed and began to relax a little. He decided to get back at them for this later...

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