Sleepover | PH/AU Part 2

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Good morning, I haven't slept (yet).

Part two of the previous chapter, please read that one before this. Requested stories coming soon (hopefully).
I don't know if there will be a part 3, if anyone has ideas for one then please let me know!


The day of the sleepover had arrived. It had taken a lot of convincing, and a lot more months than expected, to get Dream and Classic to agree, mainly because the kids that wanted to come over were so young and hadn't spent so long away from home before, but the little ones had helped him out in begging their parents to let them go. Classic had agreed on the condition that his eldest child be sent with his youngest to take care of him, whereas Dream had only given in after Classic offered to take Blue on the same night and give him a break. It wasn't the first time some of their kids were having a sleepover, and they had used a similar system before so they were all happy to go with that.

Nightmare's younger kids were ecstatic about the sleepover. They never really got the time to play with any of the older or younger kids on their playdates, what with there being so many in their age group, and they were really excited to have the chance. Error was just glad he wasn't being put on baby sitting duty, which had happened at a couple of previous sleepovers. Although he did have to help out with the tidying, they had to make sure the house was extra baby proof, and Nightmare didn't want to come across as his family being untidy.

A few of the kids kept getting distracted whenever they found one of their toys on the floor, which was annoying to the other kids as it meant they were doing most of the work and it stunted their progress when unable to put away the toys. Nightmare told them off for it a few times, but he was starting to get tired of them not listening. He allowed Error to use his string magic on them to take the toys away, then assigned those kids to the new job of washing the doors.

They enjoyed that job a lot more, but they used way too much of the cleaning spray. Nightmare was at least proud of them for making an effort.

While the kids cleaned up, the adult was trying to figure out where the kids would sleep. He luckily still had some beds from when his kids were that young, but they were dismantled and locked in a shed outside. Not only was it a task to get even one of the full beds out of the shed, but he didn't even have the manual for putting it together again anymore. Running out of time, he settled on the one bed for the two little children, and letting Geno use one of his sons beds while two of his shared. At least his kids were already used to sharing beds, they had done it plenty times on their own accords.

Now all he had to do was put this bed together. He had done it plenty times in the past, how hard could it be? Very hard. It ended up being Cross who figured out how to put it together, while Nightmare retreated to the kitchen to reflect on what a failure he was. At least it was a learning experience for his son, who did a fairly good job. When Nightmare checked it over it was almost completely stable, a few tweak which he quickly solved.

With that, the cleaning, the sleeping arrangements and the baby proofing had all been dealt with. Nightmare had even made sure any food that could cause an allergic reaction from any of the kids was eaten by his own in the days prior. He had accounted for almost everything. The only thing he wasn't prepared for, was the children's magic. Classic had been talking about how Sci's magic had been developing well over the months, the young boy having great control and a large range of capabilities. However, due to this Sci had been getting himself into a lot of trouble, the kid was smart and quickly figured out ways to use his powers to his advantage, and his father's disadvantage. Then on the other hand, Ink still hadn't shown any signs of magical ability, it was super worrying to the three adults as by his age, kids usually at least had a small spark. They worried that, with him being a late bloomer, it was all going to come at once and cause unimaginable chaos. None of them had ever seen in happen before, but that's what they assumed happens, and Nightmare personally kept wondering what he would do if it happened while Ink was under his care. It wasn't like he could just go drop off Ink with Dream and leave it there, he would have to be the one to help his nephew through such a difficult time. He really just hoped that whatever kind of magic Ink had, it was similar to his or Dream's, that would be far more manageable.

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