#2 Sci x Ink x Geno

593 12 9

Not requested. I just- I love them? A lot?


Sci yelped as a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind, causing him to almost drop the potion he was working on. He carefully placed the test tube down in it's wrack, then turned around to face the skeleton behind him.

"Hey Sci!" The cheery face of Ink greeted him. Sci blushed and gently pushed the others' arms off of him.

"H-hello Ink. What are y-you doing here?" Ink started rocking back and forth on his heels, swinging his arms excitedly. Sci assumed he had darnk too much of his 'happy' vile.

"I'm here too get you out of this damn lab. You've been shutting yourself in for way too long. I think a change of scenery is in order." Sci sighed and adjusted his glasses.

"Fine, where are w-"

"Great!" Ink cut him off, grabbing his hand and dragging him through a portal before he could try to say any more.

Once on the other side of the portal, Ink let go of Sci's hand. The scientist stumbled dizzily and fell onto his knees. He isn't used to portal travel...

"Whoops!" Ink grabbed Sci's arms and pulled him to his feet, holding him up until he regained his balance.

Sci took a moment to take in his surroundings. They were surrounded by darkness, the only light coming from infront of them. Where a familiar skeleton stood confused.

"Hi Geno!" Ink yelled a little too loud, running up and hugging the half-dead skeleton. Similarly to what Sci had done, he pushed Ink's arms away, only with more force than Sci had.

Geno turned to Sci, giving him a smale wave before asking;
"What's got him so happy?"

"I think he may have drank too much of his yellow vile." Sci returned the wave as he spoke, turning to the artist just in time to see him throw up black ink.

"Ew..." Sci and Geno said together, watching as Ink cleaned up the mess he made. He still looked way too happy, so Geno walked over to him and took out the turquoise vile. He handed the vile to Ink and told him to drink it, the other doing so and immediately calming down.

Ink looked at the two beside him. He smiled gently and apologized for his over-excitment.

"So what are you two doing here anyway?" Geno asked looking between the other two.

"Oh!" Ink replied "I decided that Sci needed to get out of his lab and have some fun, take a break from working. And what better way to spend his break than with his boyfriends?"

Sci giggled, happy that Ink cared so much for his mental health. He guessed it would be nice just to relax with the two he loved.

"That sounds like a good idea to me." Geno told Ink, the both of them looking over at Sci.

"I agree." Sci said. Ink cheered and started ranting a list of things for them to do.

They went to Ink's home, which he had built in an empty au he created. There, Ink continued listing his idea's, the other two contributing where they saw neccesary and fixing ones that seemed too dangerous.

In the end, the three of them ended up cuddling on the couch, watching movies until they fell asleep.

My headcannon Ink vile colours represent what a colour really means instead of what people normally associate it with so, have these so you don't get confused-

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